Hold Me

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((Should I write smut in this story 😶😶))
Jimin's P.O.V

I went to sleep upset last night, I remember it vividly. I pushed myself away from the plush bedding with no intentions of opening my eyes to the six O' clock sun but, beside me was weight, tugging the bed along with it, did Hoseok stay last night? I shifted uncomfortably to sit at the edge of the bed, legs dangling carefully I stepped onto the cold floor, an unwelcoming feeling. I rubbed my eyes gently as I walked around aimlessly till I hit the curtain yanking them open with ease. I looked outside, it was raining a crappy day indeed. As the rain threw itself at the windows and the wind whipped through the trees. I heard a groan behind me and I figured i had woken Hoseok up, I quickly turned on my heal to apologize to him

"Hose-Tony?!" I didn't exactly expect Tony to be sleeping beside me. I rubbed my forehead in confusion, I'm still in a dream that's all, i just haven't woken up, dream Tony is taunting me because  I'm upset about real Tony being gone. 

"Hey, Jimin, sorry to startle you, but, I came back last night, like last minute." Tony explained and I stared dumbfounded, making my way to sit beside him I hummed in content before hitting his chest.

"Are you crazy?! what about your job? your family?!" I asked, he simply chuckled at my weak blow to his chest as he pulled me into his lap,

"You, and the members are my family, i'll find a job, No worries." he tried to explain himself. "I just, didn't want us to be thousands of miles apart anymore it wasn't fair," He whispered softly and held me close as I slowly nodded. I agreed, my job often suffered because of my loneliness from Tony. Tony was like the rock in my life, seeming to always be there when I need him most, but, I want him here all the time, Yes it sounds greedy yet, I don't really mind. I hummed sweetly as it resonated through the small room Hoseok slowly knocked on the door. I turned my head to the gently tapping coming from the other side before feeling Tony's arms wrap around my waist.

"come in" I spoke, just loud enough for the bubbly boy on the other side to hear. He slowly opened the door and smiled brightly at us. "Is there something i can help you with Hyung?" I asked sweetly.  He quickly nodded his head

"Namjoon needs all of us to come to his room that he's sharing with Yoongi."  He said pretty bluntly before quickly leaving. I turned to Tony with an unsure shrug I slowly got up and changed into proper clothes. I walked with Tony down to his room and opened it slowly and looked around seeing we were the first people besides Hoseok in the room. Namjoon turned to us and smiled happily before telling us to take a seat which we gradually did. Once everyone had come into the room Namjoon spoke.

"So, Tony will be staying with you and our manger has some good news." He said calmly all of us now listening intently to the syllables that left Namjoon's mouth, It was important and he said it was good news.  Namjoon smiled, speaking calmly. " He wants to offer Tony a job." Namjoon said calmly. 

"wait really?" I asked smiling happily and looking at Namjoon, Namjoon nodded happily.

"That's all I needed to tell you guys, he's going to be helping out." Namjoon said smiling brightly and I smiled happily practically jumping up and down as I hugged Tony Happily.

Tony's P.O.V

I smiled brightly and pulled Jimin into my arms gently. 

"thank you so much Namjoon, I'm going to need to learn more Korean I guess." I chuckled jokingly as Jimin laughed against my neck and i gripped onto him tightly.  I then brought Jimin back to his room and laid down as he laid on my stomach and closed his eyes. The thunder cracked through the sky. The lightning soon following illuminating the sky as the dark clouds sparkled and cracked with every boom of thunder. I rubbed Jimin's back gently as he seemed fairly relaxed the rain hitting the  windows viciously and i slowly made my way to get up. 

"baby, Im gonna go close those curtains okay, Then turn on the TV we can watch a movie." I said, He nodded a bit and slowly kissed me lovingly before I got up and walked over closing the curtains and over to the TV to get the remote. I handed it to Jimin so we could pick a movie to watch. I smiled happily watching him lay his head in my chest as he hummed happily. We eventually decided on a Disney movie which I found cute but, he fell asleep again not long after we started the movie. He only got through about have the movie in reality. The outside rain had died down to a drizzle and the wind had completely stopped. I continued to rub small circles on his back, yet i knew he needed to eat so I slowly slid away from his warm embrace to go find some food. 

When I returned he was awake and I smiled softly bringing a few bags of food and handed him a few things and kissed him. "Baby, here's some food, you need to eat" I said calmly and he nodded slowly walking over and hugging me.

"Thank you Tony." He said while he started eating with me and humming happily while stretching happily we ate together and he quickly held me. I looked at him worried. 

"are you okay?" I asked softly and tilted my head and he nodded happily as he gave me his signature eye smile, i swear i felt my heart melt once again. I hummed kissing his forehead and rubbed his back gently.

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