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This one solely will not have Jimins point of view but Jungkooks))

Tony's P.O.V.

I hadn't heard from Jimin since the day I asked Jimin to come back for Christmas, I knew he was busy but it hurt knowing that he may be stressing over how to get here to see me. I couldn't help but feel guilty for the situation I figured I should reach out to someone that may know what's going on. I was at work now and they would all be sleeping, hopefully. Jimin still had a few months before tour would be fully be over and in the middle of there somewhere was Christmas. I sighed softly and thought calmly once work was over I ran home and called Jimins closest friend. JungKook. I waited but he never answered and I left a voice mail. "JungKook. I know you guys are really busy but this is really important and I need your help as soon as you get this." I then hung up and sat awake scared and confused. Had I really done some thing so bad to hurt all of them. I eventually got a call and a sigh of relief washed over me as I answered quickly..


Me: hey

JungKook: hey, what's wrong

Me: Jimin hasnt talked to me in a few weeks

JungKook: he's been that way with everyone unless it's a performance

Me: why?

JungKook: no one's really sure

Me:is he around?

JungKook: I'm his room yes

Me: is he willing to talk

JungKook: probably not, he won't even talk to the managers unless madatory.

Me: okay.

JungKook: honestly i think I'm going to make him go to the hospital.

Me: keep me updated?

JungKook:sure, bye.


JungKooks P.O.V

I went to Jimins hotel room he was definitely sick I could tell and he needed to go to the hospital, now. I sighed picking him up even with his denial. I carried him out to the van, asking to be brought to the hospital. Jimin was hospitalized but, it was only for the night. He was gone by the morning I brought him back to his room and spoke. "You really worried Tony." I said He sighed and nodded. "Look I know you didn't mean to and all but he said it's been weeks," I said once again and Jimin spoke. "It had been.." I talked to Tony he wouldn't let me scold Jimin but he was glad that Jimin was okay. I then took care of Jimin and the managers wanted him to go home till after Christmas just due to him being sick and all. They Informed ARMYs and I could tell that Jimin felt bad but it was for the good and Tony said he would come back to Korea to take care of Jimin. He said Jimin came before his job and all the members appreciated his caring nature towards Jimin. We all loved Tony dearly but, Tony held a special place in Jimins hearts unlike any of us ever would. I FaceTimed Jimin on his plane ride back. He seemed really tired, he said he was okay. I was glad, i would let him sleep because he needed it. I said goodbye and told him to let me know when he was with Tony.

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