Tripping Over Words

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Tony P.O.V
I had forced myself to awaken early, hoping to see Jimin one more time before he left for God knows how long. I noticed he was still cuddled up against my chest. 4:00 am was on my phone lock screen, I let out a small sigh and played with his hair. "God, what am I going to do without you?" I whispered not expecting a response, I didn't get one either. I turned to the outside world that was still dark but, slowly becoming brighter as the sun rose from one side of the world. I heard JImin's alarm go off soon after I had awoken. I had checked the time again and I watched as he stumbled around to get the last of his thing together 4:45 am.  He was supposed to leave with the other members at 6:00 am it wasn't a problem for any of the members but, Jimin seemed to just be stressed. I didn't want him to be stressed over me if anything I wanted him to basically forget about me while he was working. I slowly stood and hugged him from behind. "Please don't stress over me I want you to be happy even if I can't be by your side." Jimin turned after my words and quickly hugged me. His breathing was unsteady, he was crying. I twitched as I held him close not wanting to let him go. I waited and held him for as long as I needed before I kissed him gently, he happily returned it before showing me a sadder smile than I would have like. "You're beautiful even like this, don't change for anyone I want you to be you," I said and he nodded smiling a bit more as he got dressed and finished up putting his things away.  I was still worried about him and when 6:00 am rolled along we left together but, had shared our last kiss in the hotel room before we got into the van and driving to the airport. It was almost empty which was a little relieving. Once they got to their gate I had to take my leave. I hugged them all goodbye and Jimin smiled softly acting much happier than he was for the member's sake. I slowly asked for a moment alone with Jimin and they all nodded and left us alone. "Jimin, please don't we will talk I promise."

Jimin P.O.V

I listened to him I really did but I feared the worse. I wouldn't be accepted anymore by the members but, why should they? I kept it a secret from them they don't deserve that! I nodded and hugged Tony for the last time before our flight was called. I looked at him as he slowly waved goodbye and blew a kiss to all of us although I knew it was intended for me.  I trembled and walked with the others. I was so worried for no reason everything would work out right? I got a text as soon as I couldn't see him anymore. 
" I love you Jimin I always have, it won't change. - Tony"
"I love you too I can't wait till we can see each other again and hold each other.- Me"
"Me too Jimin, Me too.-Tony"
"I'll come back as soon as possible.-Me" 
"I'll wait for you. -Tony"
"Tony? -Me"
"yes?- Tony" 
"Don't Leave me. -Me"
"I wouldn't dream of it in a million years, Jimin.-Tony" 
"Thank you, Tony, I have to go now I'll text you when we land...-Me"
"Okay, stay safe-Tony "
"I will I love you so much.-Me"
"😂❤💓😚😍😘😶😋- Me'
"Okay I really have to go. -Me"
"Bye bye! -Tony"
"Bye ❤-Me"
After that I couldn't talk to him again and it bother me. I wasnt pissed but, I missed him already. What was he doing to me he was killing me for sure. I sighed gripping onto my shirt a bit before falling asleep for the  rest of our flight. I felt Jin push me a bit till I awoke and I smiled. "Are we home hyung?" I asked, he nodded and smiled waiting for me as we were greeted with flashing and cameras. Jin covered me knowing i was tired and had just awoken. He left the airport fast it was morning meaning Jet lag. I sighed softly and texted Tony.
"Are you asleep? 💤💤❤-Me"
"No I waited for you. 😁😍⛼-Tony."
"Whats the time? It's 9:00am here. -Me"
"Uhh 5:00pm. Friday.-Tony"
"Yeah it's saturday here...-Me "
"Oh.- Tony "
"Get some rest while you can- Tony."
"I am-Me"
"I'll talk soon okay? I still need to get to the dorm..-Me"
"Drive safe🚗-Tony"
"I plan on it 💖💖-Me"
"Talk soon.- Me"
"💗💖💗💖  i love you!- Tony"
"I love you too! 😚😚-Me"

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