Barking Orders

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This one takes place the day all the members come home for Christmas only a few days before Christmas.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

I decided to go and talk to Jimin as soon as we got back so we could just get it out of the way. I didn't want Jimin to stress anymore and I felt it was unfair to make him suffer because of my own feelings. Most of the members understood but JungKook was pissed and said I should have just left the whole thing to myself. I could understand his frustration towards me. So I figured I should explain myself it was the least I could do for causing all of this.



-"What do you want yoongi?"

-" Just to explain myself."

-"haven't you done that enough hyung ?"

-"again I'm sorry kook but, I'm trying to get it out of the way."

-" You could have kept this out of the way hyung!"

-"I know I messed up but, I feel that it was better to express my feeling then to not."

-" expressing them while he was sick, is in a relationship and has no way of talking about it publicly or to anyone one is harsh hyung he is younger then you."

-"and you are younger then me JungKook and I feel you should respect my opinion."

- "I respect your opinion, not your choice."


JungKook stood up and left me to get my luggage after that. He gave me a valid point but, I still had to talk to Jimin even if Jungkook didn't appreciate me doing it. I felt it was right and it wad important in my own mind to do this. I sighed getting my luggage and Jin came up and spoke. "Don't worry he's just upset because he doesn't know how to fix the situation for once, only you can.". Thanks Jin, thats alot of pressure.

Jimins P.O.V.

I was actually excited to see all the members but, nervous because they'd probably make a mess of the clean house and piss off Tony.. He worked hard cleaning so I couldn't be mad at him for being mad at them when they did destroy the dorm. He had me stay in bed most the day due to the whole situation where he knew Yoongi was coming and he just wanted me relaxed. I cuddled up in the sheets but, decided I should get dressed soon after all every one would be here soon. I stood slowly, got into the shower and slowly got dressed so that way I looked somewhat presentable. I then went to find Tony in the form and once I did I smiled softly. I hugged him and he picked me up and I giggled happily holding onto him.. Once the other members showed uo though he set me down. I looked at them and smiled hugging all of them but JungKook held on extra long. I felt nervous but I hugged Yoongi and smiled happily all the members eventually converse and talked about how much ARMY's missed me. I felt bad, looking down I then spoke.."im So sorry." Before all the members hugged me and tried to comfort me. "I'm alright really, I just feel bad for being out of tour because I was sick..." i mumbled. I looked to tony who smiled and spoke. "It's okay hun, you were sick.." He said calmly I nodded and spoke. Jin spoke calmly as he hummed. "I'll make dinner alright? Every one go relax!" He said and shooed us out of the kitchen and everyone went to go do their own things.

JungKook's P.O.V.

I sighed I wanted to stay close to Jimin not to look like a creep but to keep Yoongi away. I care about Yoongi hyung but right now I couldn't be more upset with him. It hurt me to now he wasn't willing to see this through Jimins eyes but, only though his own instead. It hurt me and I knew it also hurt Tony and Jimin. The tike came though and Yoongi asked to talked to Jimin privately. Obviosuly Jimin being himself said he would and I watched them. I then left for 'my room' next to theirs were I listened to their conversation..


Yoongi: I just want to be honest with you okay?

Jimin: of course, Yoongi.

Yoongi: I just don't want to keep my feelings pent up any more.

Jimin: this is about before isn't it?

Yoongi: yes...

Jimin: Yoongi I really I under stand I just don't...

Yoongi: Jimin please

Jimin: I really don't want to talk about it Yoongi

Yoongi: please Jimin I can't just sit here.

Jimin: please don't do this Yoongi.

Yoongi : Jimin..

Jimin: don't touch me Yoongi...


I stood up and slamed the door open and glare at Yoongi as I narrowed my eyes. I looked down seeing Yoongi holding Jimins wrist. I Walked over quickly and pulled Jimin away from Yoongi before speaking. "This, this right here is why I don't trust you hyung this is why hyung, I care about you hyung but I can't trust you and I wont." I then turned to Jimin and walked him out of the room and looked at him before sighing. "Are you okay, Jimin?" He nodded and spoke. "Yes, thank you JungKook..." I nodded and walked back down stairs with him and smiled as we wandered into the living room I knew he was still worried about him

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