Birthday Disaster

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Jimin's P.O.V

It was a normal day sitting and recording our new album most of the day. I hadn't really remembered my birthday but she I went into Twitter I noticed it was October thirteenth here and I smiled at all the heartwarming comments. I really enjoyed reading them all and seeing what everyone had to say. I hummed softly as he put out a small Twitter post thanking everyone even though I knew the translation would be bad. I scrolled through more before I started getting to worse comments ones that said it would be much better if I had just got out of BTS or if I would lose weight it would be better. I sighed softly and shifted uncomfortably with the words pestering my head. I sat and worked but it didn't distract me from what all those comments said. Maybe they were right maybe I should just leave maybe it would be better off and easier for everyone else. I sighed and left work early and cried in the bathroom where no one would be for a while since they all went to go get food probably for the party. I continued to cry alone in a dark room hoping to be left alone. I knew this was know ones fault but my own and i just had to face that. I didn't want to and knowing at the very least i could keep it to myself i would, I would keep it to myself

Tony's P.O.V

The other members and I had planned a huge party but, no one could actually find Jimin which scared me more then anything. I was worried and looked around helplessly till i went back to the studio in hopes of maybe him working later than usual. He wasn't in the studio at all so I went around asking who had seen him but no one had. I ran to the bathroom once I was told where he was last seen going was to the bathroom. I walked in and spoke.."hey, Mochi?" I asked softly hearing the soft whimpering and crying I went to the stall and found Jimin. I slowly walked over and picked him up. "Jimin what's wrong?" I asked sweetly and Jimin didn't respond "baby? You have to talk to me.." I said softly and he spoke. "I...i just feel like such....a b..burden on" He stuttered out as he whimpered into my shoulder. I sighed and spoke. "Why?" I stayed calm and kissed his cheek as he spoke. "E..everyone says's better if I l...left." He whispered I then carried him out of the bathroom and drove him the dorm. "Jimin don't worry about them Amry's love you and the people saying that, they are jealous," I said calmly and Jimin seemed to nod but I knew he was still bothered by the situation. When we got inside the dorm he acted as if nothing happened and I self-terrible that he was acting as if nothing was wrong for everyone else's sake. We sat enjoying everyone's company but there was a sad look to Jimin's eyes, i knew he was still upset but, i wasn't going to bother him about it right now. He was hurt enough as it was and forcing him to talk at a time like this would just make it worse. I knew how that could feel. I did, however, want to try and fix what was left of this birthday disaster, having no one too though. All i could do was sit here and comfort Jimin at the very least, I planned to do that much.

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