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Tony's P.O.V
Jimin decided he didn't want to be in the dorm for Christmas and he wanted me to meet his parents. It was something I feared for a while but, I said I wanted him to meet mine then which he gladly accepted to do. He said his only problem would be talking to them. "I just don't want them not to under stand me Tony..." He explained, I nodded. "I know I'll translate  if I  need to okay?" He seemed more relaxed knowing I was going to be able to help with any complications or bumps in the road. Jimin said he was truly only worried about his parents dissing him for being with a man and not a woman. I understood, i hugged him gently and kissed his temple. "I'm here okay?" I said calmly. He nodded sadly obviously still thinking but I couldn't never truly know whats going through his mind till he tells me. I held him from behind, swaying slowly with him as he seemed to just stand relaxed. I still had this burning feeling in my chest,as if some thing might go terribly wrong. My family agreed to do Christmas a day early so we could get there on time and still get back to meet Jimins parents. "Are you ready to leave soon?" I asked him, he turned to me and smiled happily as he nodded. "Yeah, let's get going." I Walked with him slowly to the car and drove to the airport. It bothered me that he was worried about his own parents but, not mine. I knew mine would be fine they were very accepting and loving people. I didn't know about Jimin's and I couldnt judge till I met them. We easily had gotten to the plane and on without any implications. "How do you feel Jimin?" I asked running small circles with my thumb onto his hand. "Okay..." He whispered.
~~time skip to when they land~~
I got Jimins luggage for him and went to go find my parents who promised to meet us here so that Jimin didn't really look like he was Jimin. I smiled seeing my parents and they ran over hugging  me along with my younger sister before I turned to Jimin who was just watching was a genuine smile. I looked at him and he slowly walked over and bowed his head. I'm so glad my family did the same instead of just instantly hugging him. "Is he okay of if we hug him dear?" My mother asked and I turned to Jimin who spoke on his own. "Of, course." He said it was so genuine and he hugged them back. I smiled and spoke. "We have to get him out of the airport." I took Jimins hand and we left to the car setting out luggage in the back.  We got in the car and  smile. Jimin was very willing to talk unless he didn't understand or didn't know how to respond and that's when I came into play for Jimin. It wasn't often but, my mom saw it as a sweet gesture which made Jimin giggle. Once we got to the house it was very easy, jimin was open to talk and my sister wasn't shy about asking for a photo and autograph for some strange reason. Jimin didn't decline though. I think seeing Jimin with my family was  the most I had seen him laugh in a little while, it made me so happy. Jimin then spoke slowly. "I for....all of you!" It was slow but it made sense and he  was quick to go to his luggage and sit though the stuff. He had actually gotten alot clothes for  my mother and father little trinkets from Korea anything he thought they may like he bought it.. at the end of the night I pulled my mother and father outside abd spoke. "What do you think, about Jimin?" I asked clearly worried and my mother smiled. "She's such I doll, please bring him here more often he has all our love and support." My father also nodded in approval as a sigh of releif left me. Now, Jimins parents, one long flight back and a long day with Jimins parents. I walked back inside a clear signal to leave and Jimin stood. Bowing once again and he hugged them all as I did the same. My sister spoke. "Bring your boyfriend home more often why dont you?" She teased causing Jimin to cover his mouth and to double over laughing.  He crouch over and apologized for his behavior before standing beside me and saying goodbye. We finally left for the airport heading to Busan we would be there by the morning and get to his parents.

Jimin's P.O.V
Tony's family was so open and loving I really am happy I met them. I was still terrified about how my parent would react to Tony. I knew in the end whatever happened though I was staying with  Tony I didn't care. I shifted on the plane deciding to sleep some while I could so did Tony. I really did appreciate Every thing Tony has ever done for me. I eventually felt the plane land it was very early in the morning in Busan. We decided we would take a walk and get some coffee or something alone those lines. I needed to pick up a few more things for my parents as well because even if they didn't love me after this I will always love them. I sighed a bit Tony seemed to noticed and rub small circles on my back. "Hun, it'll be okay, really just like parents okay?" He said and I nodded even if i knew that wasn't true. We walked, stopping at the coffee shop in the corner before going to the park and sitting on a bench. "Do you really think they will diss you jimin..?" He asked me, i shrugged and spoke. "Tony, I dont know it happens a lot when a son decided to get with another man." I said sadly. He nodded and spoke. "My family said they love you and you have all their love and support and always will." I smiled and looked down nodding. "I'm glad, I appreciate it alot." I whispered and  he  kissed my temple. No one was outside at all so we weren't really worried and I had most of my face covered and so did Tony. "I really just want this to work out tony I do, but it bothers me and I'm scared it may not work that way." I explained the best I could he seemed to under stand. I then sat drinking the coffee with Tony very relaxed right now. Eventually we stood slowly throwing it away. Before I messaged my parents.
Me: I'm here with my significant other let me know when you want to be there.
Mom: is she pretty? A little after noon.
Me: it doesn't matter they make me happy.
Mom:your an idol dear image matters.
Me: no one has cared up to this point Eomma.
Mom: well as long as she takes care of you, makes you happy, and is pretty that's all that's matter dear.
Me: alright Eomma...ill see you soon.
Me: see you soon Jimin.
I thought we had a few hours once again and just to prove to Tony how my parents were I translated the text. "I'm so sorry Jimin I'm going to ruin your relationship with your parents." Tony said sadly and I shook my head speaking. "I already made it clear to myself that if this ends badly I will be fine without my parents.." I said and he looked at me sadly. Around noon we headed towards my parents house and I was hesitant to go inside butc spoke. "Mom, dad, I am home!" I said taking my shoes off at the door my father got up from the couch and my mother out of the kitchen and they stopped staring at Tony who spoke to them softly. "Hello, how are you?" He said. I looked at my parents, the look they have gave me was tearing me apart as they had us both sit did. I knew what was about to happen and Tony wouldn't under stand but, all I said in English was. "Please don't get involved." I then turned to my parents who cursed my out and said things I refuse to repeat in any shape or form. I finally stood to my feet I knew I would be talking too fast for Tony to catch up. "Why should it matter!?! I care about him! He takes care of me and makes me happy when no one else can! Can't you see I lo-" I was cut off by my mother hitting me and speaking. "You are not allowed to say you love that man in the presence of me!!" She snapped. I glared at her and spoke. "I love him, there is nothing that will stop that, not even my job." I said. My mother and father and father looked disgusted with me and spoke. "You have dishonored this family and ruined your name in this  house." She said harshly   before turning away from me. "Get the hell out of my house." I sighed and spoke. "I will gladly take it if it mean I still get the love of that man in the return of my own love, have a good night I love you both dearly, but I clearly can tell that who I love affects how you see me." I said and looked at Tony and come with me to leave. Once we were out of the house the red Mark from the hit was still there and Tony caresses it before speaking. "Jimin im so sorry." I held the hand that Tony had attached to my cheek and sobbed. "It's okay." I tried to say reassuringly but, i had to admit it still hurt. Tony kissed my forehead and rubbed both my cheeks gently and whispered "It's not okay." I continued to sob using my free hand to grab his other wrist and lean into his touch. "It is okay."  I trembled but he knew I was lying I wasn't okay and It wasn't going to be okay. He knew that but I wanted him to think otherwise.

Jony An Awkward Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang