Explain YourSelf

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Jimin's P.O.V.

I still hadn't told Tony about the whole situation. I didn't want to, I didn't want to stress him out with it. So I looked at him, he continued to rub my back lovingly. I looked down sadly, he sighed worried and spoke. "Hun, jimimie, what's wrong?" He asked I shook my head curling up into his lap. He didn't seem to try again after that I mean I didn't really let him after all. I didn't feel good and the conversation gave me a nauseating feeling. It wasn't because I was uncomfortable I just felt bad. I really had no clue what to do if I stayed in the dorm I could hurt Yoongi, if I leave with Tony then bighit would be mad. It all just continued to spin in my head, more and more giving that nauseating feeling. I looked down as I slowly stood up off Tony's lap. Tony looked at me and I tried to reassure that I was fine but that was instantly detoured by me throwing up. Tony was quick to jump on it and he had me lay down. I felt terrible he had to take care of everything.

Tony's P.O.V.

I cleaned up slowly before moving some hair out of his face. "Is this because of Yoongi?" I asked I was mad, furious even, whatever Yoongi had said had caused this. I sighed and looked at him he had shaken his head no, I became confused. "Then what is it?" I asked, he seemed to be thinking to find the correct words for his answer. "I, just don't want to ruin my friendship with Yoongi hyung his like my big brother..." He explained and I understood then. He was stressed out over figuring out how to maintain his bangtan relationships and us along with his job. I spoke "Jimin I can help with those things..." I said softly. He seemed hesitant to allow me to help and eventually turned down. He was always this way where he never really enjoyed help, he'd rather figure it out himself. I nodded and picked him up slowly bringing him to the bedroom slowly laying him down. Jimin wasn't tried is what he argued in hopes of getting up but he was sick and needed to rest "Just close your eyes..."I whispered to him loving once he was asleep I texted Yoongi.


Me: Yoongi?

Yoongi: hey, Tony I figured I'd be getting a text from you

Me: why? Did you think I'd be mad at you for being honest with him?

Yoongi: I mean you both are in a relationship I don't see why you wouldn't be. I wouldn't want anyone around him..

Me: I know, but you have the right to be honest with him yoongi

Yoongi: I guess

Me: are you going to talk to him in person?

Yoongi: probably not...


Yoongi: did he already throw up?

Me: yeah...

Yoongi: that's why itll just stress him out Tony.

Me: okay yoongi, I still think it would be best to tell him in person but do what you think Is best.

Yoongi: goodbye Tony

Me: bye


Yoongi's P.O.V.

I sighed softly I wasn't really sure. Maybe I should tell him in person. I really just don't want to hurt him . I sighed softly standing in the hotel room. We had three weeks before Christmas and we would be back at the dorms for a week. I went to Hoseoks room just for reassurance but he said the same thing Tony did , talk to him in person...

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