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It had been a good few minuets of him just standing there, thinking. He didn't feel bad for what he had done. She was smart, she worked led be ok. Besides, she was the first person to ever really hurt him. She did all the wrong things for what she thought was the right reasons, love. She was a mastermind.

Each piece of evidence lead up to the other. The car designs she had. How once his car, the same as she was studying broke down, that she was perfectly aligned to be his ride.

He spent a night with her, but didn't remember a thing. Of course she had a drug powerful enough to do that growing in her own home.

And finally, the book on psychology, more importantly the psychology of love. She seemed such a natural, and that only comes with a lot of practice... aided perfectly by that book.

Yea, she deserved everything... her actions were justification enough... but at the same time she was a genius. He may never have an enemy, or a friend, like this ever again.

Maybe that's why he did what he did. He just wasn't ready to give up what he had so proudly found just yet...

[Thanks for reading and voting. I hope that this can catch anyone up that was confused. More content soon... I hope]

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