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Dawn skipped forwards gleefully, pulling Paul behind her. As we followed, she rounded the corner to the large ferris wheel.

"let's do this first" she explained in a way so passionate no one could object.

"so much for 'best for last' " Gary sighed to hinzekf as we followed Dawn up to the boarding area.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't bring that on the ride" the operator motioned to Paul's large fluffy prize.

"oh don't worry" Gary stepped forward, taking the toy from Paul "I will keep it safe and sound,"

Paul nodded his appreciation, as he and Dawn boarded the ride. Then, as the seat lifted the two of them into the air, I realized it would just be Serena and I on the next one.

The floor of the carriage rocked beneath us as we stepped in.

"I haven't been on a ferris wheel for, lets see, three years if I'm remembering correctly," Serena said, looking over and smiling at me.

If I were to brush away everything from our past, this was such a cute moment. Just us slowly drifting upwards into the sky.

"Yeah, I think its been even longer for me" I replied, smiling back at her.

Her hand brushed up against mine, as she gripped the bar in front of us, the areas farther away coming more clearly into view.

"They say that that human skin always knows exactly what it is touching,"

She looked over at me, our eyes meeting for a split second, her cheeks glowing the faintest red hue.

"That's kinda creepy, but my response is... exactly,"


"Let's go on more rides!" Dawn exclaimed, still as excited as ever.

"I think we have literally been on every ride here," I replied, but she stayed intent on finding another ride.

"Maybe there is one in the little kids area" Dawn said. We were all pretty sure she had lost it completely.

"Or maybe we could get some ice cream!" Serena pointed to a nearby ice cream stand.

"Yum" Garry nodded his approval, and we all turned towards the ice cream stand.

It was a semi awkward silence as we half skipped half walked over to get ice cream, each one of us ordering different frozen treats.

I personally got a cone of mint chocolate chip.

"Let's find somewhere to sit" I suggested.

The others agreed, and we found a bench to sit on.

It was a tight fit, all five of us, but Dawn didn't mind snuggling up to Paul, no matter how much he could silently protest.

"I can't believe how fast this year has seemed to go by. Senior freakin year," Gary shook his head "we still don't have an awesome prank to do,"

"Don't they only do that in movies?" I asked him, and shook his head like I was a naive kid.

"My cousin did one his senior year" Gary smiled "and before you ask, he described it like this. '20 turtles, viagra, freshman hall,'"


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