Chapter 7

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It had been almost a month since Haley had fallen into their lives so to speak. She still hadn't spoken to them but she did write some. She and Shannon spent the most time together. He seemed to want to be with her every chance he could get. She didn't mind. She hadn't had feelings for anyone for a long time and she was starting to have them for Shannon. He made her laugh at the dumbest things. And she found herself smiling just to smile. She hadn't really smiled since the accident. She had to stop herself several times from speaking to him. She just wrote what she could. He understood so many things just by looking into her eyes. She didn't have to tell him about Sean and Drew he somehow knew that she had lost them. He just held her as she cried yet again.

She had tried several times to meditate and dream with the pendant but so far, she hadn't been able to contact Robert. She had had a few dreams of Sean. He was standing on a beach talking to her but she couldn't hear what he was saying. Each time it was the same.

Because the band was still on tour they kept moving. Jared said that she couldn't go anywhere alone one of them had to be with her at all times. For her safety, he said. Jared really got on her nerves. She understood why he did the things he did she just hated how he just told her this is how it's going to be. Oh, how she hated not being consulted on her own life. When she did speak, she was going to tell him where he could stick it.

Tomo was very sweet. He always tried to explain why they did what they did. But he was married so Vicki, his wife, had already shown him how to treat a strong woman. She liked hanging out with Tomo. He was teaching her how to cook. He was very patient with her, it was working she hadn't burned anything yet.

Jared hadn't let her go into the concerts yet. She couldn't believe it. Here she was on tour with them and she hadn't heard them play one song live yet. How fucked up was that? Jared was always watching her though. She knew she was running out of time. He would want answers soon. She could tell his patience was almost gone. They only had 2 more shows before the mid-tour break. She was sure that was his deadline of sorts for her to tell them.

She and Doc had talked a lot during the month. She really liked her. She was down to earth and was understanding. She seemed to really know what Haley was talking about when she would tell her about her home.

Haley liked watching Doc and Jared interact. They were great together. Doc handled Jared like he was putty in her hands and Jared didn't even realize it. Haley understood exactly what Shannon was saying when he said that he didn't understand why they didn't get together. They were perfect for each other. And they were. If they could see how the other looked at them when they weren't looking.

Later that night when she and Doc were on the bus waiting for the guys after the concert Haley asked her.
"Doc why haven't you ever told Jared how you feel?"
"Wh... what? What do you mean?" Well, that made Doc all flustered.
"Oh, come on now. Everyone knows that you love Jared. They can see it. And Jared looks at you the same way."
"He does?" Doc said softly and started turning red. "No, you must be mistaken. I'm not his type. Yeah, he likes talking to me because I stimulate his mind but that's it. He's not interested in me for anything other than a friend." She turned away. "He treats me like a sister."
"He doesn't look at you like one when your back is turned. You should test the water and drop a hint or two and see what he does."
Doc just smiled.
"What about you and Shannon? Have you taken any steps to let him know how you feel? Because it's written all over your face. You've got the hots for him" Now it was Haley's turn to turn red.
"I want to. I'm just scared. I haven't been with anyone since Sean." She took a deep breath. "I don't want to end up hurt and lost again. I don't want to feel that again." She got up and walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water. There had been several times where they had been close to kissing but something would happen and spoil the moment.
"Oh, honey I know it's hard but love is worth it. Shannon won't hurt you. It's different with you. He's not the same. And as far as the possibility of losing him like Sean well it could happen but it's a chance you have to take."
"Oh, wise one you need to take your own advice too." She laughed. Doc was right though she did need to take a chance. Shannon made her happy and made her want things she hadn't wanted in a very long time.
"Hello, ladies," Jared said as he walked onto the bus. "You both look guilty as hell. What have you been up to." He looked at them with an eyebrow raised. Shannon and Tomo got on the bus then too.
"Hmm. Well anyway, we have decided that we are going to go on up the road to a campground. One of our echelon family members owns it and has graciously offered it to us for the night. He said that there is no one there this time of the year. It also has full bathrooms and cabins. So, we don't have to all sleep on top of each other."
Oh, a bath. Haley would love a bath. She looked over at Shannon. He was watching her intently. He smiled at her and crawled into his bunk and threw stuff around and came back out with a bag. He walked over to her and opened the bag to show her what was inside. Oh, you can read my mind, Shannon. It was bubble bath and bath salts. How did he do that? She still hadn't spoken a word to him.
Haley gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek and mouthed the words thank you.
"I'll see if I can find some wine somewhere. Maybe I can talk you into letting me take that bath with you?" He gave her that sexy grin of his. The one that made her melt. But she wagged her finger at him.
"Wag that finger all you want. I'm still going to try. I want a bath too you know. We should conserve water and bathe together." She smiled at him. It was all she could do not to burst out laughing.

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