Chapter 26

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Over the next few weeks, they hit dozens of A2 targets. They had hit all their hideouts, breached their databases and frozen their accounts. Davenport had given them the names and locations of the heads of all the divisions all over the world. Mark and Cobus were coordinating the attacks on all of those bases with the Knights of the White Shadow in each of the different countries. The A2 was almost dead. But they hadn't been able to find Dr. Teal, Davenport claimed not to know where he was.

"I told you all the places I knew of. I don't know where else he would go."

"You better think of somewhere. He's our only link to the higher ups and we need to take them out to effectively bite the head off of the snake."

"He's not the only link." He said cautiously.

"What do you mean? What have you been holding back on?"

"The woman I want you to save." He hadn't wanted to tell them cause he knew they wouldn't want to save her once they knew. "She was, is, one of the higher-ups."

"Davenport! What the fuck! How can you not tell us that! See this is why we can't trust you!" Jared yelled. "You're not giving us full disclosure."

"I couldn't tell you. I know you won't try to save her. You'll kill her." He went to stand in front of Jared. "She's not one of them anymore. She changed just like I did when they sanctioned the torture of Haley. I contacted her and we talked about it. She had nothing to do with the decision to torture her."

Jared watched his body language as he talked about this woman. He was too defensive of her for her to be just a friend or colleague. There was much more to his feelings for her.

"You're in love with her aren't you?"

Davenport stopped and dropped his head. "Yes."

"Is she in love with you?"


"Are you sure? She's not playing you?"

He thought about it for a minute. "No, I really don't think she is."

"I'll be honest with you. We don't know how to travel. Some have been working on it but so far nothing. I'm sorry." He really didn't care at this point if it hurt him or not. He was finished trying to be nice and string him along for information. It was time for Davenport to prove he was on their side.

"You may not know how to Jared but Dwight knows. I've been researching Ghosts for a long time. The things people have seen and heard its the only thing that makes sense." Davenport said. He knew he had Jared's attention now even though Jared didn't look at him. "They know too many things about different alternate worlds and has he spoken to you about timelines at all?"


Later that evening as Jared sat at the table eating dinner with Jessie in their cabin he couldn't help but wonder about what Davenport had said. He was right it did make sense in a lot of ways that Ghosts could travel but how? "Jessie, Davenport was telling me today that he thinks Ghosts can travel. Have you ever heard anything about that?"

"Did he say what makes him think that?" She looked at him curiously.

'He said that he's done research and people have reported seeing and hearing things."

"I'll check into it and I'll talk to Robert to see what he thinks."

"Thanks, Honey."


Later on that night Jessie sat in a trance as she talked to Robert with Jared watching her. She was getting more and more used to doing this but it still scared her. She had a hard time being able to split her attention between here and there so she wasn't completely aware of her surroundings. She much preferred if someone was with her keeping an eye on things.

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