Chapter 13

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"Hey, Adam!" Jared yelled across the room.
He wanted to tell Jessica how he felt but he wasn't good at saying the words. So he thought he would do it the best way he knew how, through a song, but this time it wouldn't be his song. He knew she loved Maroon 5 and of course, from being around her he had listened to them too. He thought their music was good. He got some of their songs stuck in his head at times. Oh, and Adam could write some nasty songs. He chuckled to himself.

Adam walked over. "Hey man what's up?" He shook his hand.

"I won't keep you long. I know you have to go on soon." Jared looked around making sure no one was listening. The fewer people who knew how he felt about Jessica the better. He had to keep her as safe as he could. That was why he wasn't just going to do a cover of the song he was about to ask Adam about. "I was hoping you could do me a favor?"
What in the world could Jared Leto want me to do? This had to be good. He had never met him before. They had been to the same parties before. He also suspected they had dated some of the same women too.
Jared moved them to the side of the room where there weren't so many people. He told Adam about Jessica and how they had been friends for years and had just realized that they were in love with each other. He also told him how he couldn't express his feelings but he wanted her to know how he felt. He didn't tell him that he had asked her to tell him the truth and that it wouldn't matter the answer. He hoped that by putting his feelings out there in front of millions of people it would prove to her how much he really did love her no matter what.

"She's a fan of yours and listens to your cd all the time. So I've heard your song It Was Always You and it fits us. I was hoping you could play it and dedicate it to her?" He couldn't believe he had basically just poured his heart out to a stranger. "I would owe you big time."
"I'm a fan of yours, Jared. I think you're a great actor and your music sounds better to me all the time." Adam paused for a minute. "I'll help you out because I was a dumbass too. It took losing my girl to figure out that I loved her. I was lucky. She took me back and married me." He smiled thinking about it. "Hopefully it works for you as well."
"Thanks, Adam. If you ever need anything let me know."
"Good luck," Adam said walking away and yelled at the band. "Change of plans guys. We are changing songs."
Here we go, tonight my life changes. I take that step and tell Jessica I love her and I call up the troops and become the leader of a revolution. "No pressure." He mumbled and rolled his eyes. "No pressure at all."

"Hey, Jared." Tomo walked up.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to help you sing man. You need all the help you can get." He laughed.
"Smart ass."
"I figured you could use some help but if you don't want any..."
"No. No. Stay. I could use it." He looked out at the crowd. They could see the entire audience from the second-floor announcer's suite. Food and drinks and a lounge had been set up for the bands to relax and get ready to perform.
"Everything is about to change Tomo. I'm not sure I'm ready for it." Jared was a little nervous.
"So you are going to do the call?"
"I don't have a choice. I have to get them ready. Doesn't mean we have to use them but we do need them."
"You know I've got your back no matter what." He put his hand on Jared's shoulder.

"How many bands do they have playing at this thing?"
"Last I heard 20." Shannon popped another chocolate in his mouth.
"Give me those." Jessie grabbed the box and ate one.
"Hey, those are mine! I need my strength remember!" Shannon said pouting.
"I'm your doctor of course I remember but this isn't how you get your strength back. You need protein."
"You just want my chocolate." He got up and went to mix up a protein shake. It was the easiest way for him to get it right now.
"Hurry up Shannon, Maroon 5 is about to come on."
"I'm activating my turbo boosters. Not!" He said as he rolled his eyes.
"Ladies and gentlemen Maroon 5!" The crowd went crazy as the stage lit up.
"Hello, everyone! How are you doing tonight!" Again everyone screamed.
"Listen we had songs all picked out to perform but I met someone earlier and he told me a story. You see this guy has known a woman for about 20 years and until recently he hadn't realized he was in love with her. And he's sure she feels the same." The crowd sighed. "It's sweet I know. This guy he's the type that can't say the words. You know which ones." He whispered, "I love you." The crowd sighed again. "He asked me if I would play a song for her. It's called It Was Always You. After hearing his story I knew I had to play it for him because after all if my wife hadn't forgiven me for being slow realizing my feelings for her we wouldn't be together."

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