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"Another night of clubbing again?" Nash asked as he saw me slip on my jacket.

"Yep," I nodded & shoved my fists into my pocket, "I need to get some stuff off my mind."

"Wanna stay here? Maybe talk about it?" Taylor asked.

"No," I uttered & headed straight for the door.

I began my journey & headed to the usual spot Gallop. I walked in with a cigarette already hanging from my lip. I headed straight for the bar to get a preferably soft drink.

My energy was drained the minute I walked in. I wasn't feeling the vibe at all. Or these couple of days. It just wasn't the same.

It was then from the corner of my eye I saw a brunette dame heading in my direction.

"Hi," her breathy voice hummed.

"Hey," I said, trying to smile but it just didn't allow.

"I was just talking to my girls about how good you look tonight," she said & gently put her hand on my chest. She stroked it & I was trying to allow myself to get turned on but still


"Gee thanks," I shifted my face closer to hers.

"So how about it? Let's ditch this dump & go back to my place for some coffee," she slithered her lips onto mine & that was the trigger word.


I pulled away, "I'm sorry I can't do this."

That's when I jet. I pulled out some dollars bills, placed them on the table & was on my way.

I walked quickly, through the breeze while my cigarette kept me warm. I knew where I needed to go. I needed to be reminded of her.

I threw my cigarette butt on the floor & pushed the door open. I went straight for the counter & ordered something hard to drink.

I slowly made my way to the seating area & I saw her, once again. With her drawings spread all around the table & her continuous cups of coffee filling the place. I walked up to her booth & rested my arms in front of the wall covering her booth.

"Hey," I sighed.

"Agh you again," she groaned.

"I just came here to say," I looked closely at her drawings which were actually really good, "that your work is excellent."

"Oh. Thanks," she smiled a little, "are you sure that's not some crumby compliment to get it my pants? Because then get lost."

"No," I shook my head gently & took a sip, "I've had a rough night. Can I sit? But if you don't want me to I can leave."

"No," she interjected, "you can sit."

I took a seat & looked at one of her drawings.

"This is really beautiful. What do you do?" I asked.

"Oh I'm a fashion designer," she smiled.

"Oh that's fancy," I was intrigued.

"Yeah," she giggled, "so tell me about your night? What happened?"

"I was just down at Gallop & things weren't working out so I came here & in all honesty," I held my tongue because I honestly didn't know what came over me, "I was hoping to find you here."

This girl had been driving me crazy. Just something about her made me intrigued. Which was so weird because a girl never made me feel intrigued.

"Oh," she blushed softly, "well I'm sorry about your night."

"It's okay at least I'm here," I smiled, "with you."

She smiled, blushing & putting down her pencil.

"I'm Kaylin," she reached out her hand across the table.

"I'm Hayes. Nice to meet you," I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you Hayes," she smiled & went back to work.

"So tell me about yourself. I actually wanna know everything," I was surprised at my words. I really did want to hear endless stories about her life.

About her.

"Well I've always been here in the city my whole life. I'm twenty one. I'm working for this start up fashion business but I wanna branch off. I feel damn cramped," she rolled her eyes & sighed, "damn I'm not good at this type of stuff could you say something first?" she snickered.

"No you're great," I chuckled.

"Thanks," she smiled, "so what about you?"

"Oh um," I stuttered because I actually felt nervous to talk, "well I was born in the city then moved to North Carolina. Now I'm back & working for a production company."

"That's so interesting," she hummed in aw.

Got her.

We spent the rest of the night admitting things to each other, laughing & just having a good time. I had fun with Kaylin & it was innocent fun. Then my phone began to buzz continuously.

"Oh," I rolled my eyes, "it's my brother he's probably wondering where I am."

"Well it was nice while it lasted," she shrugged.

"Um Kaylin," I began again too nervous to speak, "I was wondering if I could maybe take you out tomorrow? To this restaurant just down the street."

"I'd love to," she blushed & grabbed my phone. She tapped fast & gave it back to me.

"Call me," she winked.

"I will," I smirked, threw some dollar bills on the table for her cups of coffee & left.

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