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"There's a visitor for you," Shantelle, the receptionist, told me.

"Alright. Send them through. Thanks Shan," I smiled and continued working.

"Baby," I heard a voice but it wasn't Kaylin so I was bewildered.

I looked up to see Charlotte once again. Looking as basic and pleading as ever.

"You," I scowled and kept working.

"C'mon I brought you lunch," she dropped a brown bag on my desk.

"Thanks," I gave the bag eagle eyes, "but why?"

"Just wanted to show you how life would be if I was your girlfriend. Maybe your wife," she shrugged and sat on my desk.

"What do you want? How'd you find out where I work?" I asked.

"I may not be the sharpest pitchfork in the shed but I know my way around the net," she smirked disgustingly, "and I'm here to break down a few things to you."

I continued working and tried to ignore her. She took my pen out of my hand and stuffed it down her shirt. Her very open shirt.

"What the hell," I groaned.

"Try get it if you can," she shook her chest in front of me which honestly wasn't a turn on, "or you could listen."

"Talk," I eventually gave in.

"You know what I want," she scolded. I looked at her clueless.

"I want you Hayes. God I want you. Ever since that night I just can't think right," she dragged her hand down my chest.

"Aye," I backed away with my chair, "I mean I know I'm a God when it comes to the sheet game but listen. That was one night-"

"Ah! So you admit it! We did sleep together," she smiled creepily.

"Maybe we did. Maybe we didn't. All I know is whatever we 'had' is over. I don't want anything to do with you. Move on. I mean I did," I spun around in my chair.

"You're literally impossible," she slammed her hand on my desk and the whole office was looking towards our direction now.

"Aye!" I whispered loudly, "don't you know office etiquette. Keep your voice down." 

"Mark my words Hayes Grier," her face drifted closer to mine, "I will ruin you and every single person involved with you. I will not stop until everything is taken away from you. I mean everything. I am coming for your life and I am coming for you."

"That's so cute. Which movie did you snatch that monologue from?" I laughed.

"You'll be sorry you messed with Charlotte," she took my pen out of her top, put it on my desk and left.

"Ew," I took a paper and grabbed the pen. I wrapped the pen in the paper and threw it away. Yeah maybe I might have played with his girls that night but now that I'm with Kaylin the thought of indirectly touching them just gave me the willies.

"Is that your broad?" Arthur came by my desk.

"Thankfully not," I sighed and went back to work.

"Brown bag?" he questioned as he took it and opened it, "you want this?"

"You can have it," I shrugged.

"Thanks man. Who was that girl anyways?" he asked.

"Just a crazed fan of this dick," I sat back and let out a sigh of relief.

"Wow," he shook his head with a laugh, "she pretty cute. Maybe I should get in there."

"Yeah if you like psychos," I said under my breath.

"What?" he asked as he started eating the food from the brown bag.

"Nothing. Enjoy that food and your day," I opened my laptop.

"You too," he said and finally left me alone

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