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"So this is your place," she smiled as she walked in.

"Yeah. Finally mine. My brother and his sorta wife were staying here but they moved weeks ago," I explained and held her hand. The silence of the apartment was ruined by Zan running to the door and greeting Kaylin.

"You never told me you had a dog," she knelt down to pet his head.

"Yeah. He's like a son to me really. I'm a proud dad," I smiled and knelt down next to her.

"Well I have to break it to ya. You have a cute kid," she smiled.

"Thanks. You're cuter though," I smirked and pecked her lips.

"Grier stop," she got up with a giggle.

"Make me," I smirked while I got up.

"Challenging me is a thing of yours ain't it?" she laughed.

"Maybe," I held her tightly, "but it's not like you don't like it."

"God Hayes lemme breathe," she wriggled herself out of my grip and sat down on the couch.

"Someone's feisty today," I sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her.

"Yeah," she sighed, "hard day at work. Designing and all."

"Tell me about it," I played with her curls.

"It's just nobody ever has faith in me. I know I'm up and coming but honestly I feel like I know what I'm doing. I've got so many ideas. I just wish people would give me a chance and not shut me down just because of my experience and how old I am," she expressed heavily.

"The faith thing. I can relate to that but in a slightly different field. Loyalty. A lot of people think that I can't be loyal but I'm proving them wrong," I explained.

"How so?" she asked.

"I brag about you. A lot. I don't know. A lot of people are surprised that you actually haven't left my bullshit yet. Which is an achievement. I feel like I struck the lottery with you. You're so smart, ambitious, beautiful and talented. I'm still trying to figure out how I got you," I chuckled yet stumbled surprised at my own words.

"Hayes you know you're so sweet right," she kissed my cheek, "but why would people think we're not together?"

I couldn't let her know about my past. I just couldn't. I actually like Kaylin. A lot and I'm doing everything I can to keep her and not let it just be a fling.

"You know people. Always judgmental. Although in my defense they're all out of their minds. I mean look at us. I mean we could prove them more wrong by you being mine," I held her in my arms.

"You know I've been hurt before Hayes," she whispered softly.

"I can promise you this. I will never hurt you Kaylin. I will protect you and care for you as much I can. I really like you. You make my head spin and I promise to be loyal. I promise to never let you down. Give me a chance," I looked into her eyes and saw every painful story she lived through. She was still here. Stronger than ever. All I wanted to do was love her.

"I hope I can trust you," she held my cheek.

"You can. Won't you be mine?" I asked, heart as soft and pure as ever.

She nodded with a weak smile. I pressed my lips against hers and deepened the kiss. My hands started to wander. Exploring her body and what it had to offer. My hands slipped down into her pants and that's when she pulled away.

"Not yet Hayes," she murmured, "not yet."

"I completely understand," I was surprised that I didn't even try get into her pants, "whenever you're ready I'm ready."

"Thank you," she rested her head on my chest as my heart beat slowed down.

Did I just?

I did.

I stopped trying and I'm actually waiting.

Maybe Kaylin was changing me. Maybe she was changing me for the better.

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