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The midday beams gently hit my face as I felt the Sunday air seep into my nostrils. I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. My eyes opened and I saw my boyfriend next to me, mug in his hand, laptop on his lap with a plate of breakfast waiting beside him.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Actually afternoon," Hayes chuckled as he put the plate on my lap, "damn girl you can sleep. Or was my length that good."

"Shut up," I chuckled and wiped away the sleep in my eye, "I'll hand it to you I haven't been treated like that in a while."

"Did I treat you well?" he asked with a smirk.

"Very well I'm still all warm and tingly," I laughed as I bit a strand of bacon, "was worth the face."

Hayes just stared at me as I ate the breakfast he made me. I looked over at him and laughed.

"What?" I asked while wiping syrup off my face.

"You just," he stopped and put down his mug, "look so beautiful."

"Babe," I winced with a small laugh.

"Seriously Kaylin. You are so beautiful," he declared.

"Thank you," I leaned in and kissed him. My phone then buzzed.

"No," he whined, wrapping his arms around me, "who's tryna take you away from me."

"Hayes I gotta see what it is. It might be something from work," I chuckled and looked at my phone.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Email. Some potential client wants to meet me at the coffee shop at three today," I began to get up.

"You gotta leave now? It's only one," he mentioned.

"I gotta go back to my place and get some fresh clothes, get ready then go," I explained.

"Or you could stay here and we could have another three rounds of last night," he smirked.

"Hayes," I laughed, "no I gotta go. I'll be back later tonight if you really wanna see me."

I laid a kiss on his forehead and began to collect my things.

"At least lemme call you an Uber," he suggested and got his phone.

"Thanks angel," I smiled and got my stuff.

"Lemme help you," he got up and carried half of my things.

"Thanks," I said.

We went outside and loaded everything into the car.

"I'll have that tux back to you by tomorrow at least," he said.

"No baby that's yours," I kissed his cheek, "I'll see you. Stay safe."

"Bye I miss you already," he pecked my lips and I was on my way.

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