1700s: Erelyn Laverna (@annlu03)

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Name: Erelyn Laverna

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Decade: 1700's

Appearance: Erelyn's features are delicate, quite porcelain- thin, upturned lips; shadowed blue eyes; soft brown locks. Her body frame lands on the smaller side, creating a look almost more youthful than what her age suggests. However, it's her eyes that pronounce all the bits of age hidden from the rest of her body, laced with dark secrets locked away from those around her. One of these mysteries- which Erelyn herself cannot puzzle out- is a necklace proclaiming a finely carved wooden letter "E", polished and smooth unlike any charms sold at any market she can remember.

Personality: She's a pleasant girl upon greeting, an amiable person for a lighthearted exchange over a trade for bread. But someone who may accompany her on her horse rides- or perhaps takes a rest at her family's house for a night- these are the few that come in touch with Erelyn's oddities, the peculiarities. Random laughter, moments of another reality, nights split open with unheard shrieks, nights she opens her eyes and is in the execution square- these are the things that marked her. These are the things that caught the attention of those claiming her to be bewitched, an "afflicted" girl.

Background: Erelyn is the only surviving child of her family, despite the wealth with which her mother lived in, in this town of Salem, Massachusetts. In the preceding five or six years, Erelyn has accustomed herself to life with her now-uncommunicative father. She commonly ventures out with her mare, Nora, during the day, aiming to blot out the images much too strong for a five-year-old, an eleven-year-old, a seventeen-year-old. Perhaps the execution of her brotherly figure doesn't quite flow smoothly in her remembrance, but a few vivid pictures spattered with blood has been enough to stir symptoms of the "Devil". And sometimes Erelyn no longer knows if these images of her mother's hanging that flutter around her mind are true or the creation of nightmares- she only knows it's somehow her fault.

Other: To clarify more, she currently lives in the decade after the Salem Witch Trials.

Author Games: Golden AgeWhere stories live. Discover now