Task Two: Struck Gold

155 9 29

"Ms. Archeon, as you're aware, our world is coming to a rapid end-"

"Over here!"

"What is the status of the Children at this time-"

"How long until we find an era, Miss-"

"Which Child shows the most promise?"

"-Archeon, smile for the camera-"

"Ma'am, do you think we'll make it in time?"

The reporters buzz around her, noisy and in groups of far too many, and she tries her best to put on the best, most fake smile she can possibly muster. Still, her lips ache and her shoulders droop; she's far too tired to deal with the questions. But she knows she must; the Children are doing their part in saving the world, and though her part is much smaller in comparison, she must do the same.

She can't tell them that things aren't going as planned. She can't tell them that there's been minor complications, that some of the children are too close to gone. She can't tell them any of that, no. She can lie though, and she will, to keep up the perfectly golden appearance of the project.

She smiles, blinking as a thousand flashes pummel her vision. "It's coming, everyone," she announces, her words proud and strong and oh, so deceptive. "We've almost struck gold."



Continuing with the free-reign, your character is still on their own journey in their own time period. Your only requirement is to write your character being injured- how this occurs and under what circumstances is all up to you! Manipulate this to be appropriate to your time period and what your character was in the process of last task. Upon suffering this injury, your character will discover the tracking device the scientists embedded in them when they were young. How you execute this is entirely up to you, but be sure to show us their reaction. Do they keep it to themselves? If not, who do they tell? Other than that, you've got the task to do whatever else you'd like.






Thursday, September 14th, 3pm EST

If you need this translated into your timezone, don't hesitate to ask! We're happy to help. Additionally, please note the change in time.


Deaths - Again, you haven't met anyone yet, but you're certainly welcome to include death in your entry as long as it's not each other!

Ballots - Two

On even numbered tasks, ballots will count towards ballot rankings, which will determine certain bonuses/challenges tributes in the rankings will receive. On odd numbered tasks, ballots will subtract half a point from the selected tribute's writing score, and challenges will not be received that task.



First Entry: +0.5 points



As this is an even task, everyone balloted gets a challenge! Ballot rankings will only be posted during even tasks, though all ballots count towards the rankings.

Ishani Pemmaraju, Bella Fiore (2): Congratulations on being the only two balloted last task! This time, both of you must- for some reason or another- purposely inflict your wounds.



For our convenience, please state the task("Task #_" or "Task Title"), your tribute's name, and your wattpad username in the subject line of your entry's email. The entry should go in the email body. Ballots and deaths belong at the bottom of the email after some sort of page break.

Please regard these guidelines, as this task, we will not hesitate to subtract points for negligence.



Please continue to send your entries to lightoftheshrimp@gmail.com. Additionally, don't hesitate to comment or PM us with any questions or concerns you may have. Good luck!

Author Games: Golden AgeWhere stories live. Discover now