1910s: Maurice Zellin (@lostwithmyfriends)

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Name: Maurice Zellin

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Decade: 1910s

Appearance: Maurice is as refined as any other gentleman of his generation. Clean-cut hair with constantly shaved stubble, a noticed-but-not-glass jawline, and flat lips with no distinct color. His, in particular, waiver between scarlet and dying rose, falling to a pastel shade. And his eyes are a rich brown, reaching hazel in summer sunlight. He's below average in height and weight, some of his ribs showing when he stretches a little too much. The bridge of his nose extends outward, smooth and curved. However, it's his delicate skin which attests to his character- frail and creamy, withholding the depths of blood and bone.

Personality: Maurice is quiet, clever, and conniving, usually absent of others' attention. Although confident, he's rather inarticulate and has trouble with confrontation, especially when caught off guard. His weak vocabulary and lack of formal education make him seem unintelligent, but he's truly a repository of broad ideas and creativity waiting to burst. He loves smiling and holding hands with everyone; he loves balloons and eating too much dessert in one sitting. But on the other hand, he's most in tune when alone, and loves documenting memories before they're forgotten. Most of all, Maurice is accustomed to keeping secrets, whether impactful or small.

Background: Originally from Monongah, West Virginia, born in 1885, he left his host family after his father's tragic death in a mining accident. An only child, Maurice first felt guilty moving to Greenwich Village, New York, but his mother remarried- unfortunately, to an alcoholic man- before Maurice left, resulting in less guilt than earlier anticipated. All of his extended family still live in that same hometown, and Maurice hasn't written to them in over six years. He has yet to fully integrate himself into the culture of Greenwich Village, known for its avant-garde style and break from artistic tradition. Maurice's head contains too many ideas, so he's still on the search of an art form that will portray his mind in the correct way. He lives with four roommates- one male and three female- in the upstairs of an art gallery specializing in impressionist techniques and absurdism, but he feels detached from them. He feels detached from many things.


This author has made it known that Maurice Zellin will not be participating in the games, but his form will remain up in order to fill a spot.

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