Entries Weightless

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1800s: Nerezza Diana Archeli

The sun was shining through my tall window as I woke up and began to get dressed, with the help of my maid Henrietta of course. I began wondering what it is I must do today. I did finish the rest of my paper work hust last night.

"My lady, Lord Mathew is requesting your visit in the town for some tea and crumpets", Henrietta said before she turned to the birch doors and closed them. Well i suppose my question was answered."Henrietta! Please make sure Dansby sets up a carriage, I will be down in a few moments", I yelled, not wanting to give her the struggle of walking back to the room. I simplu put on my white wrist gloves and grabbed a small satchel of money, enough to get the towns kids toys.

My drive to the town was amusing, my Butler George was making jokes that made me snort like a pig. I'm asuming the children heart my laughter because they began to crowd me after I was being helped out of my carriage.

"Calm down, calm down", I say through giggles. "Nerrezza come play with us, come onnn please" , says Tommy, a boy from the orphanage. "Oh I wish i could but I'm afraid i have an appointment wit-woah!", i say as I'm falling forward. I hand grabs mine and pulls me to their body.

I open my eyes, seeing it's Lord Mathew. I quickly pushed myself from him and dusted myself off, failing to notice the blush on my face.

"Ms. Nerrezza has an appointment with me, Lord Matthew. Now move along street rats", he said to them, which made me gasp. "Now now Matthew, I have reapected you for this long do remember i have more power than you. Now apologize to these children, you'll be spending the day with them", I say sternly while smiling at the children.

He 'harumphed' and chose to just leave rudely after glaring at me. " I guess I'm free from another failed suitor", I say as I look at the kids,"Ask your parents if you children can play with me today, I have a surprise for you all!" They all began to scamper to their parents and their caretakers. I smiled until I saw a little girl, Samantha, crying beside her fathers bakery. I ran my way to her side and hugged her. I began cooing to her until she calmed down. "What is of matter young one", I say hearing the motherly tone in my voice. "Oh Nerrezza, my fathers fiancé absolutely hates me. She wont let me leave the bakery. If she sees me I'll be whipped", she says through hiccuping tears. I was going to say something but Samantha screamed and hide in my dress. Then I felt a sharp pain going from my left shoulder to my lower back. "Ow!" I yelled as i turned around. The woman, clearly underdressed as her cleavage was showing a bit too much and her ankles were showing.

The police from the corner saw us and ran to the woman, one holding her down for enprisonment and the other telling me my back was bleeding. "MS. EMILY FORTINGTON YOU ARE TO BE HANGED FOR PURPOSELY INJURING A NOBLE OF SUCH HIGH CLASS", the officer said as the woman turned pale. All the parents and store owners began to look out their doors and windows to see what was going on. The woman turned pale and looked at me with pleading eyes,"No! Please PLEASE, Ms. Nerrezza please have mercy on me, I am so so sorry I thought you were the child and dear God I do apologize!" I looked at her and sighed. "Emily, what you fid is a big offense and what makes it even more terrible is that the hut you gave me, you were planning to give to an innocent child who ypu are not the mother of. But let it be said I am a woman of mercy, i shall grant you 5 months to the dungeons and work as a laborer for the queens palace. From there I am no help, good day", I say as the police take her away. She began yelling profanities of which the orphans found utterly hilarious.

I winced when i felt something on my back where I was whipped. I turned to see my old friend Thomas. I payed for his schooling to be a doctor.

Author Games: Golden AgeWhere stories live. Discover now