Ch 48 - Diffusion

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Luck seemed to be on Nana's side as the guards of the auction house all wore metal armor. "Nana Special! Repel!" she yelled as she fired up her glove and sent a row of guards flying to the back of the room.

All hell had broken loose as soon as Luffy punched the living daylights out of the Celestial Dragon. Guards came in with their weapons and the crowd fled to the exits.

Nana ran down the steps and leapt onto the stage. Her focus was on getting the collar off of Camie. Franky had ran backstage to find the keys just in case.

"Stay away from the mermaid! Guards! Guards!" the auctioneer on the stage yelled at Nana.

"Shut up!" Nana roared as she grabbed her hammer, 'Wrathful Smash!"

The auctioneer leapt out of the way as Nana's hammer smashed through his podium, breaking it into little pieces, gavel and all before bursting into flames. She then pointed her hammer head at the auctioneer. "Get the fuck out of my face or I'll use you as a gavel block."

"Ahhh," he cried as he scurried backstage.

Nana then turned towards the front of the stage. "Zoro! Tank!"

"Ah!" Zoro said as he slashed the top off of the water tank. Most of the water spilled out of the tank and Nana quickly pulled herself into it. The water level was just at Nana's shoulders and the sea water stung the gunshot wound in her back but she ignored it as she stood in front of Camie with her hands on her hips.

"Camie, tilt your head so I can see your collar better," Nana ordered.

Camie jerked her whole body away from Nana. "No! Nana-chin. If you touch the collar it's going to explode."

"I'm in here with you aren't I?" Nana asked as she lifted Camie's wrists to look at the chains on her wrists, "If you explode, I explode." Then she looked up and grinned at Camie, "But it won't. Trust me."

She pulled her goggles over her eyes and she began to inspect every inch of Camie's collar.

"Step away from the mermaid!" Nana heard some guards in the back yell.

There was sound of a flurry of kicks. "Get the hell away from Nana and Camie-chan!" Sanji's voice shouted.

"Nana! How's the collar?!" Luffy's voice called.

"I'm working on it!" Nana seethed as she inspected the collar at almost every angle, "Everyone just SHUT UP! I need to concentrate!"

Suddenly, there was a loud crunching sound from above and Nana had no choice but to look up to see what had happened. Three more flying fish came flying in through the roof with Robin, Brook, and Usopp on their back. They all jumped safely onto the Auction Floor.

"See, Nana? Those three got in here without crashing," Luffy huffed.

"They didn't have to land a fish!" Nana snapped.

"Looks like we're all here," Nami said with a grin as Usopp came running towards them.

Nana turned back to Camie and drowned the noise out. She needed to focus. The collar was highly sensitive and if she missed even a minor detail, that would be the end of it for the both of them. It helped that the water sloshed around her as she moved so that it drowned out some of the noise outside.

Suddenly, she heard a gun click above her and her head snapped up. A female Celestial Dragon was pointing a gun at her and Camie. "This is unforgivable!" she announced, "I'm going to just kill this mermaid for all the trouble that it's caused."

"God damn it, Sanji!" Nana snapped at him, "Of course you'd let the female through."

"I'm sorry, Nana!" she heard Sanji moan shamefully.

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