Chapter 1

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Chapter 1🦋


"So Keith....what do you want out of life?" My father asked Keith as his family sat across the table from mine.

I really should've ditched this whole dinner thing but my mom would've been upset if I did. I don't understand why we have to do this every other weekend. Just because our parents are close friends doesn't mean I should be forced to do this.

"Well like many other high school students I want to continue my education and go to college after high school to become a defense attorney. I know tons of people that have been faced with unfair rulings that they don't deserve. I want to be able to help others." He told my father making him give a satisfying smile and nod.

Perfect answer like always.

"Sounds like my baby, she wants to help people also by becoming a therapist." My mom stated making Keith look over at me.

He gave me a fake smile before looking towards his dad.

"I actually have a friend who's a therapist so if you'd like to know more about it I could give you her phone number." Keith's dad said.

I gave him a polite smile.

"That would be great, thank you." I replied back to him.

I've always been a great problem solver and thinker. When it comes to helping someone with a problem I'm the main person people come to. Especially for advice and other helpful things. Being a therapist has always been one of my main goals.

"It looks like everyone's done with their meal, dessert anyone?" My mom asked them making them nod.

"That would be lovely." Keith's mom replied back with a friendly smile.

"Amara, do you mind going into the kitchen and grabbing dessert?" My mom asked me.


"No." I replied back to her.

She smiled as I got up out of my chair.

"How about you join her Keith?" Keith's mother asked making me mentally groan.

"Okay." He sounded upset as he got up and followed me out of the dining room.

Once I got into the kitchen I walked over to the stove, put on the oven mitts, and then got the hot pan of peach cobbler out of stove.

I looked over to see Keith on his phone.

"Man when is this little dinner thing gonna be over? I got a date." Keith stated making me roll my eyes.

"Which one of your girlfriends are you taking out today?" I asked him.

Keith is what I would like to call a man whore. It's a new girl every week for him. I swear he has dated every girl at our school already.

"Stacy and man her body is banging." Keith said biting his lips as he continued looking at his phone.

I smacked my lips making him look up and give me a look.

"What? You mad that you can't get a boyfriend?" He questioned before he laughed.

"I'd rather be unable to get a boyfriend then to sleep with every girl at school." I retorted putting emphasis on every.

I pulled out a knife as I began to cut the peach cobbler into slices.

"You're just mad because I won't give you a chance. I know that you secretly have a crush on me." He said as he began to walk closer to me.

I rolled my eyes.

He thinks just because he's good looking and got things going for himself that every girl likes him. Well, I don't. It's the complete opposite for me.

"How could I have a crush on you if I hate you?" I asked him making a smirk appear on his face.

He got so close to me that he could literally wrap his arms around me and we'd be hugging.

"I hate you too." He whispered.

I went over to the cabinet behind us and grabbed six plates.

"Okay, now that we know we hate each other help me put the peach cobbler on these plates." I told him.

I sat the plates on the table and one by one I filled the plates up with peach cobbler while he was being lazy and remained on his phone.

"At least help me carry them to the dining room." I said to him seeing that I can't carry all six plates myself.

He grabbed three of them and I grabbed the other three as we headed back out with our parents.

I sat each plate I had in front of his parents and his empty seat as he placed his plates in front of my parents and my seat.

"Thank you, Keith." My father said Keith.

"You're welcome, I also prepared the peach cobbler myself while someone was on their phone the entire time." Keith stated shaking his head at me.

My mouth dropped open as all eyes turned towards me.

"Amara, now you know that's not how we treat our guest." My mom said shaking her head at me also.

"Do you really believe I would do something like that?" I asked squinting my eyes at her.

She nodded her head.

"Actually, I do." She stated making me groan.

I looked at Keith to see he had the biggest smile on his face.

Game on, if Keith wants to continue making me look like a bad person then fine. Two can play that game.

This might get ugly...


Keith and Amara in mm.😍😍

Keith: 1

Amara: 0

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