Chapter 17🦋

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Chapter 17🦋

Amara 🦋

"So what's gonna happen with you and Keith once we get back home? We only have two days left," Destiny questioned as we lay on our backs currently receiving a massage.

Honestly, I was wondering the same thing. Keith and I haven't discussed what it's gonna be like once we get back home. I mean we're not really together but he has been in my bed almost every night.

"I don't know...maybe we'll just be friends," I stated making her laugh.

I turned my head so I'm now staring at her.

"What's so funny?" I asked her.

"Good luck being just friends with someone you've been freaking every night," She replied back making me roll my eyes.

"We haven't been freaking every night," I lied through my teeth.

We have been having sex like crazy but that's none of her business.

"Mara, I am your bestfriend and I know when you're lying," she retorted with a knowing look on her face.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing, "Hold on," I told the masseuse before getting up and getting my phone on the table.

"Hello?" I questioned because I forgot to look at caller ID.

"You must be having a good time on your trip," My dad said into the phone.

"Hey Dad, I'm having a wonderful time here," Changing my voice a little.

I looked at Destiny to see her with a big grin on her face.

"You better be, it's your birthday trip! I hope you guys are staying out of trouble out there. No parental supervision is probably going to your heads," My dad mentioned.

I shook my head fast like he could see me.

"No daddy, we are being good. We've just been exploring all that Jamaica has to offer," I said trying to convince him.

"I mean your mom is nuts letting you two girls go off with a couple of boys. I like Keith and all but he can be kind of slick. Has he tried anything? I won't hesitate to hop on a plane to come kick his ass." My father said getting hostile.

"Dad, no. Keith has been nice to me. Both of the boys are are well behaved," I assured him.

"Well behaved in bed," Destiny said as I sat up on the massage bed and threw the pillow at her.

She stuck her middle finger up still enjoying her massage.

"Well you know I have to ask. Just wanted to make sure you're having a good time. Enjoy the last few days of your trip baby," My dad replied.

We said our goodbyes and then hung up.

"Your dad is crazy," Destiny said making both of us crack up.

"But little does he know his little girl is getting her back blown out,"


"We have arrived," Eralia announced as she pulled up outside the ATV building.

"Amara, I swear you be having us do the most dirtiest stuff, my suitcase about to be filled with dirt when we get back home," Tamir stated as we all filed out of the car.

"Thank you for the ride, we should be done within two and a half hours," I told Eralia as she waved goodbye and drove off.

"Tamir, do you ever stop complaining?" I questioned him making Keith chuckle.

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