Here Doggy Doggy

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warning: bdsm, pet slavery, public embarrassment.
i do not mean any harm ok. josh's character is fictional, he's not like this.

Tyler could feel all eyes on him. It felt weird, but he wouldn't show it. He was flustered and quite embarrassed but he wouldn't show it. Fear of his Master, his Owner, finding out that his Pet was embarrassed. He'd be in incredible trouble. An even further punishment than the one he was on now.

"Mommy, mommy! A doggy!"

"No sweetheart," the women's voice faltered and she gulped as her small daughter ran up to Tyler.

Tyler was knelt on the ground pavement, his knees spread apart and his arms bound together in front of him. His hands were covered with padded gloves, made to resemble paws but in a more exotic way. Tyler's whole body was covered in latex, apart from his arms, forearm and down. A harness was strapped to his chest, going down his back and then up and around towards his crotch. A single chain around his neck connected to the harness on his chest. A metal loop below the chain was connected to the harness which had a separate chain leash latched onto it.

His Master and Owner stood tall beside him, holding tightly onto the leather end of the leash. "Say 'hello,' Pet." He seethed down at the boy.

Tyler meekly whimpered, mocking the sound of an almost injured puppy.

Tyler's head was covered, making him feel less uncomfortable but still completely embarrassed, by a tight latex mask resembling a Doberman breed. Tyler's head turned to look at the little girl, her blonde curls were bouncing and her little hands were fidgeting with themselves.

"Come, Cynthia. Leave the poor boy alone." The mother said.

"It's a doggy, Mama!" Cynthia giggled as she reached out her hand but to the little ones dismay, her mother gasped and pulled her daughter away from the boy and tall man.

After a few minutes, there was still a crowd.

Josh, Tyler's Master and Owner, drove the two to a busy crossroad. They lived in New York City, the busiest city. "You are going to kneel beside me. You are going to obey my every word or so help me, I'll lock you in that fucking cage with no food or water. You hear me, Pet?"

Tyler nodded.

"Speak, when you are spoken to."

"Y-yes, Master."

400 words exactly. let me know what you think about this one cause im in love with it.

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