This Boy

146 16 21

Just like the last one shot, this is from an old book. Chapters bunched together and if all goes well, I'll see what I can whip up. (I'm so sorry this is in lowercase, this was when I wrote in lowercase. My apologies AGAIN.)

The bar was absolutely packed and quite hot. Maybe packed was a harsh word, the bar wasn't that packed but it held groups of people which took up most of the entirety of the family owned bar.

The televisions were blaring with the same exact channels and beers were cluttering tables as well as with plates of food.

Joshua Dun huffed because he was starting to sweat and the game hadn't even started yet. Ridiculous.

"Hey, you gonna finish those fries?" Joshua's buddy Colin Rigsby nudged at his shoulder then gestured to the basket of fries smothered in spicy honey mustard and ketchup sat right in front of him.

"Nah, knock yourself out."

"Right? Gotta eat before the game because Lord knows I won't be able to concentrate on anything else! Thanks for the fries, you're the man." Colin shoves several condiment-ed fries into his mouth then moans at the taste. "Hell yeah!" Colin fist pumps into the air then goes back to stuffing his face with fries.

Joshua shakes his head at his friend, only he would be friends with someone as piggy as Colin.

The door to the bar opens, letting in some cool air as it does. In walks a group of friends rallying about which team will lose tonight, but in the very back stood a boy. A small boy that looked like he wasn't having any of it.

Joshua blinked several times because "holy fuck" this boy was absolutely stunning. His skin was perpetually tan to be living in such a cold climate that rarely got sun anymore due to the winter nearing soon. a hue of brown atop of his head, beautiful hazel eyes from what joshua could see. the boy was sporting a large boston bruins jersey, the number ten on show meaning the boy was wearing a jean ratelle jersey. joshua wasn't complaining, as ratelle happened to be his favorite player on the team he loved so dearly. joshua scanned his eyes down the boys body once more, chuckling as he saw that the boy was wearing a pair of striped leggings. leg warmers were wrapped around the lower half of his legs, white keds clad upon his feet.

tyler joseph huffed as he crossed his arms but found it hard to do so. the numbers on the front of the jersey were thick and never bent to move along with the jersey. tyler decided to keep his arms to his side as he and his group of friends walked to the other side of the bar. he sat down in a hard wooden chair as his friends gathered around the table. a waitress came over, took their orders, then came back thirty minutes later with a humongous plate of wings and a small plate of fries for tyler.

"why did you make me where this stupid shirt, bee." tyler groaned as he bit into a fry.

brendon urie shook his head at his small friend. "it's a jersey, not a shirt. and i wanted you to support my favorite team! i know you don't like hockey but c'mon, do you see how many hot guys are on this seasons lineup?"

"uh, no." tyler shook his head at that, pouring himself some ketchup onto the side of his plate. he never liked it when people would smother their fries in condiments, that made the fries go all soggy and tyler hated that with a passion.

"oh shit! the games starting!" brendon shouted with a mouthful of buffalo wings.

tyler rolled his eyes, this place stinks like cigarettes and stale beer, he thinks to himself.

on the other side of the room at the bar, joshua has himself hunched over with his arms crossed as he watches the television. he watches all of his favorite players skate out onto the ice as they're introduced then skate back into the stands to be seated by their coach.

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