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These are two chapters from a book I once had called Lagoon. I'm not sure if any of you have read it? I don't remember much about what people have had to say about it. These are chapters, meaning at the very end of this it'll seem like there will be a 3rd, there won't be. Unless that is I change my mind.

"Up, up, up! Good morning sleepyhead, today's the day before the big day!"

"Away, be gone with you," Tyler Joseph waves his hand tiredly at his mother as he opens his curtains and presses a button on his alarm clock before its even gone off.

"Come on mister, up. Your father has breakfast ready downstairs, he's taking you and your brother to school today."

"Why aren't you?" Tyler sits up, rubbing at his eyes.

"I need to shower then head in for a meeting and then I'm off to the store to get you what you need for the trip tomorrow."

"I need a new suit," Tyler mumbles still sitting up in bed.

"That's right you do, you still want that one with the weird shapes on them?"

"Yeah and the curly elastic strings. And aloe, please don't forget the aloe."

"I would never, my boy burns too much. Now up, please, I need to go and I want you up and dressed."

Tyler nods at that, letting his mother leave and close his door. He hops up out of his bed, going over to his fish tank, pouring fish food onto his hand then sprinkling the flakes onto the water. "There you go, Nemo," Tyler puckers his lips as he looks inside of the tank, watching his fish he's the flakes. "Oh right, get dressed, Tyler." He mumbles to himself.

Tyler decides that today was a floral button up kind of day, with his white skinny jeans and tan-coloured loafers.  It was still winter but come on, he'll be leaving for the Bahamas tomorrow. Grabbing his phone off of the charger and his headphones, he heads downstairs with a smile on his face.

"Eat up, bud, ya' got five minutes." Tyler's father walks around to kiss him on the head with a newspaper in his hand. "Jay-bird, don't play with your food."

"I'm not a bird, dad," Jay Joseph, Tyler's little brother rolls his eyes as he stuffs a blueberry up his nose. "Hey, Tyler look," he laughs.

"Good God, are we even related?"

"Shut up," Jay pouts as he blows out the blueberry from his nose.

"I can't believe you're a year younger than me and still act like you're five."

"Are you boys done? I'd like to beat the eight o'clock traffic." Their father tucks the newspaper under his arm and grabs his coffee cup and keys. "Let's go,"

"Bye mom!" Tyler hollers up the stairs as he pulls on his winter coat, scarf, and hat. He hears a distant "bye, love you" then grabs his book bag and follows behind his father and brother to the car. "You should've heated the thing up before we came out here!"

"I'm not your mother, Tyler Joseph, stop complaining."

"Yeah, stop complaining."

"Shut up Jay-Bird."

The rest of the car ride to school was just like that. Bickering back and forth about nonsense that Tyler couldn't believe he was getting himself caught up in. "Ah!" Jay jumps back and slams the car door closed. "He nearly killed me with that dump truck of his!"

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