The Torment Of Existence Weighed Against The Horror Of Nonbeing

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"My king," a child is holding out a letter to his elder.

Tyler graciously nods down to the little boy, thanking him silently before stepping off to the side to open the letter. The bronze seal, scripted with a Matrix and Max impression, bellowed out a look into the future as Tyler peeled the wax back. Taking out the letter, he begins to read.

Dear King Joseph,

I write this with the deepest of concern and worrisome. It's with a mouth full of regret that I here confess to you that my wife has passed.

I would speak in person but my youngest daughter and oldest son are here and with little to no transportation, I have no way of consulting to you, my good friend.

I must ask you a favor and in return as your answer, I will be waiting for the horses and carriage down the road you once resided. The funds to continue to raise my children are depleteting; if I wish to bury my love and rest Columbine above her headstone, my children must fall into the arms of somebody I trust with my wholesome. I ask you to take them in until my feet are planted flat and rested onto God's good soil.

William Earl Dun

Tyler rests the letter underneath his arm before crossing them over his chest and sighing, looking up and around the ballroom. "Hm," he's going to have to babysit. Wonderful, the more the merrier. "Boucher - gather my things and ready a carriage."

"Yes, sir." Cameron Boucher left with his orders, bringing forth Tyler's lady-in-calling to prepare him for a long trip ahead.

"My king, may I ask why Pembroke?" His lady-in-calling follows him to his bed chamber, already making a mental list of things he will need.

"An old friend needs my help," this is out of the ordinary because Tyler usually minded himself and his kingdom along with. "His wife has passed - and I'm being asked to babysit his children."

"Oh! Should I prepare ladies-in-calling for the children? They'll need help around the castle,"

"If you wish it."

After a long ride to Pembroke, Tyler steps out of the carriage. The road still a rough dirt and the homes still held that same debility he's always remember.

"Oh, Tyler - thank goodness," William walks out of his home and down the pathway leading to the carriage. His children follow.

"Oh, your children. They're not children," Tyler hugs the man.

"They've grown," William laughs, guiding his children over. "I may have left out a bit in my letter but - please excuse that it was urgent. This Grace and Joshua, fourteen and seventeen." A girl with short blonde hair holds out her hand, a small smile upon Tyler's face as she shakes his hand.

"It's nice to meet you," she says.

"Joshua, step forward please, shake hands with your king." William instructs.

"He's not my king," the boy suddenly erupts, angry and tired. "I'm not going, I've told you this a million times and I'll say it a million more. I will not go."

"Son, please, not right now. Go gather your things and-"

"I said NO!" Joshua had raised his tone so intolerably loud that his voice cracks. All he wanted to do was stay in his bed and cry. His mother has just died.

Tyler felt incredibly awkward, having to witness a father and son bicker. Poor Grace, she had her suitcase in tow and Tyler lends her a soft smile, taking the baggage from her, placing it onto the seat she will soon occupy.

"See you soon, Papa," Grace turns to her father, hugging him tightly.

"Soon it shall be, my love," William hugs her back just as tightly.

"Come big brother," Grace gives Joshua a pleading look. She's mournful as well but she knows when to give people their space, even if it's her own father. "I'll get your suitcase and - oh! I can bring Mama with and..." Grace talks to herself as she walks away to grab her big brother's things and the picture of their mother hanging by his bedside.

"I don't - I can't," Joshua stutters over his words, biting his lip, trying to muster the tears as long as possible.

"It's okay," William tugs his son forward, hugging like he had just held Grace. "It's okay." He rests his hand on the back of Joshua's head, running his fingers through the boy's hair soothingly. Joshua breaks. He sobs and he hugs his father with all his might because he's so sorry for acting up and giving him a cold shoulder meanwhile, he mourns the death of his mother like his father mourns the death of his wife. "I will see you soon, I promise. I'll be traveling up to visit in two weeks time."

A long, dreadfully awaited goodbye takes place. Grace, Joshua and their father all hug once more and then they're off.

Tyler is sat on one side whilst Joshua and his little sister are sat on the other. He could tell that Joshua was crying just a little and he could see Grace holding her older brother's hand tightly as the carriage traveled back down the dirt road then onto concrete. Two hours time ahead of them.


"I could get lost!" Grace was smiling widely as she turned in her place from where she stood, eyeing the tall ceilings and the scriptures carved upon the walls. She couldn't believe she was stood inside of a building worth so many, let alone it being the castle. "It's beautiful, wonderful - everything in between..." Her voice wondered off as Tyler's mother appeared, the Queen. Tyler still hasn't found himself an heir or its owner. "Queen Joseph! A pleasure," Grace, in her tattered stockings and long skirt, she did her best to use pleasantries and bow.

"Hello, sweet child," the Queen beckoned over a lady-in-calling who brought along another. "Amalie and Katie, this is Grace and Joshua, you will be tending to their needs during their stay here in the palace,"

"Yes, my Queen." Amalie and Katie smiled and waved, bowed to their Queen and King before gathering Joshua and Grace, guiding them to their bed chambers along with and tour of the castle.

"You will take care of those two," the Queen says, pointing her figure towards her son.

Tyler only nods once, slowly with the close of his eyes. "I'll make sure of it."

I've been meaning to get the one out there. I wanted to write something royalty related and well, here we are.

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