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This used to be a book in itself but I gave up after the first chapter; which is what you're about to read.

Open Contract
Josh Dun
Worldwide - 1 Hour
71 Million USD/AUD/EUR

Cellphones all around Josh buzzed and beeped. He watched as the people checked the small devices, their eyebrows widening and smirks arising. They looked up because at one point before receiving the texts, they thought for at least a second that the Josh Dun grazed their presence.

"You better run, Joshie boy." A woman with her hand in her coat pocket, holding most likely a gun, laughs. Then he runs, and he runs.

Arriving home, he's out of breathe and he's packing himself a bag in record time.

"What the fuck did you do," a voice startles Josh before a hand is being placed onto his shoulder, turning him around sharply.

"I finished something." Josh mutters as he stuffs a handgun in the back waistband of his pants.

"You killed on continental grounds didn't you," Tyler huffs, going to the closet to grab his own bag. "That's why you've been excommunicated. You're so fucking stupid, Josh, I swear."

"I expect you to kill me and get it over with,"

"You think I want to do that? I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to help you. Brendon is on his way, and you're running out of time. Tic-fucking-toc," Tyler grabs a roll of gold coins because he knew he'd be needing them in the near future. "So I'm assuming Nikolas is dead?"

"You're assumes are correct. Now are you done? I'd like to leave the city before this hour is up, thank you."

"You've thrown yourself into this, you're lucky we're helping you."

"I'm lucky? No," Josh laughs as he shakes his head. "No, I'm not lucky. This isn't luck." Josh grabs his bag with force. "If I'm so lucky, this would have never happened. We'd be out of the country and out of this business. So, you wanna keep thinking this is luck? Be my fucking guest, but don't get yourself killed." Josh grabs his car keys before leaving Tyler in the bedroom, making his way to the garage, glancing outside the open garage doors. "Fuck," he tosses his bag into the passenger seat then gets in. 

"I heard somebody shot Nikolas Grazzi in the head, on continental grounds, then left." 

"Jesus fucking Christ," Josh turns in his seat to see Brendon sitting in the back. "You and Tyler are this close to getting shot." 

"Not as close as you are. Looks to me like you've got thirty minutes left to leave New York, or else you'll be the one getting shot." 

"Yeah, so he better leave now." Tyler opens the passenger side door, tossing Josh's bag in the back along side his, next to Brendon's. "Start the car." Tyler nods to Josh's hand resting on the keys already in the ignition. 


Josh was speeding. 

There's no need to worry about law enforcement because they all know. Everyone knows. The man, the myth, the legend, has gotten himself excommunicated. Not only did the contract get sent to all of the Society, but to the entire world. Everyone was after Josh Dun, the Boogeyman, the man who killed the Boogeyman.

"Speed it up." Tyler orders.

"Shut up." Josh bites back, pressing his foot down harder onto the gas pedal. 

"You can't tell me what to do, you lost that right. You piece of shit-" 

"Hey!" Brendon leans forward, gripping the two front seats as he does. "Cut it out," he says to Tyler. 

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