Problem High Pt. Two

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"Mama, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Gerard Way fixed his fringe in the mirror by the front door then grabbing his back pack as he threw it over his shoulder. "Ma! It's 7:50!" We're already late. "Shit, my inhaler." Gerard ran back into the bathroom before opening up his drawer, pulling out his inhaler as well as with grabbing onto an extra canister just in case because he knew this one was almost empty.

"I'm ready, I'm sorry! I had to feed Michelle." His mother comes running out, wiping off her blouse with a towel.

"You're leaving a baby here, alone, all day?!"

"Oh God! The baby, Michelle. . ." His mother mumbles as she runs back to her bedroom to get his baby sister dressed.

"We're so fucked. She's going to get fired, then who's going to pay the bills?"

Gerard and his mother were the only ones living in this small trailer, but then one day, his mother comes home with a pale face and a hand on her stomach. She had gotten knocked up from a one night stand and she definitely couldn't have an abortion, Gerard would kill her. He was taking care of both his mother and his baby sister, most days that is. Today, he had slept in on accident from being kept up all night from Michelle's crying.

"I'll have to drop her off before we head to school, I'm sorry Gee." His mother apologized with a sad smile, holding Michelle close to her chest as the baby whined. She grabbed her car keys before grabbing her bag as they both left the trailer. Gerard locks the door behind them before he follows his mother to the car where she's fastening Michelle into her car seat.

"Ma, you have to go faster than that. You're gonna be fired if we're late past 8:20."

"I'm hurrying Gee Way, don't fuss."

"Tell that to Michelle."

"She's eight months old."

The bickering continued up until Michelle was dropped off at daycare and all the way up to school.

"Head to class, you hear me?"

"Yes, mother." Gerard rolled his eyes as he took the late pass from the receptionists hands. His mother was a U.S History teacher and he was so thankful he didn't have her this year.

Gerard made his way to class, after spending nearly two years here, he knew which was which and where everything was at. Being a Junior, was a blessing but also a curse. What the hell was he going to do next year? He had no plans for after high school and he certainly didn't have to the time, money or patience for scholarships or college.

After entering his class and handing the pass to his teacher, he made his way to the back where his best friend Hayley Williams sat. She had dyed her hair yet again to yet another bright shade of color. This time, it was yellow. "Hello highlighter."

"Good morning to you too, where've you been?" She leaned over. Since this teacher was strict, all movement and sound was deadly, for your record that is.


"Awh, how's my Godchild doing?"

"She's a pain in my ass, take her away."

"That's rotten, how dare you."

"Excuse me? Ms. Williams, that's the third time within the past ten minutes--" Their teacher stopped what she was doing as she gave Hayley an extreme glare.

"I'm sorry, it wont happen again, I promise."

The teacher turned back around with the shake of her head as she continued to write on the board. A kid in front of Hayley turned around, "you really suck at keeping promises."

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