Omega Pt. One

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God, that smell was driving Joshua insane and he couldn't get rid of it. How could he? Another mishap of leaving class abruptly would have his ass on the line with his father, Alpha and pack chief. Somebody at least give him some plugs to stuff up his nose. His dick was about to bust loose from his jeans.

The boy sat on the other side of the classroom had his legs crossed because he knew he smelt of pure omega. He knew he smelt, dare he say it, delicious, from what all of the other Alphas in the school were saying. He was close to his heat, he couldn't help but smell this way. He had no control over his body.

Tyler gulped as one of the Alphas sat behind him reached his hand underneath his desk and onto Tyler's ass from the hole in the seat. He couldn't help but whimper because fuck, he was so close to his heat and any and all touch from an Alpha male or female had him writhing.

Joshua's inner wolf growled because he saw the exchange and he wanted to be the one to touch the boy that way. He wanted to be able knot inside of that pretty Omega and hear him whimper and whine and scream out his name and--

"Joshua Dun, what do you think you're doing?" The teacher stood from her desk and all of the students in the classroom stopped their testing as Joshua stood in front of Tyler's desk with his hands bunched into fists at his sides and his eyes a glowing deep red.

"Hands, off!" Joshua bellowed in his deep Alpha toned voice. He wanted to be able to touch Tyler. Tyler was his.

"Who do you think you are, huh?" The Alpha sat behind Tyler stood up and faced Joshua, their chests touching and noses flaring. Alphas on full display. "You aren't his Alpha, I don't see a mark on that pretty neck. Just because your father is pack leader doesn't mean you automatically get to order me around."

"Boys." The two Alphas turned around to see the Principal stood at the doorway. He was Alpha as well but was no pack leader, he still followed Joshua's fathers orders. "Come with me. Now. As for you, Mr. Joseph, head to the nurses office and call your Mother to come pick you up." The Principal nodded towards the Omega boy who packed up his things and scurried passed the two Alphas by his desk and out of the classroom.


Tyler and his mother lived in the Pack House. Money was a huge issue for the Joseph family, but since it was only the two of them and they both never expected much, Joshua's father took them in and allowed them to stay in the three story home.

Tyler's mother was the cook for the Pack, a deal she made with Joshua's father allowed her and her son to have a roof over their heads. No one complained though as Tyler's mother was an excellent cook. Whatever was hunted and brought back was cooked and ready with several other side dishes for the Pack to enjoy.

Joshua was situated at the long dining table inside of the Pack House, a grunted look on his face as he heavily wrote down his homework. He's broken at the most fifteen pencils and he's nearly finished with the one he's got now. To say he was angry was an understatement.

"Joshua, honey, would you like something to eat? Maybe eating something will take your mind off of whatever's bothering you." Tyler's mother, Kelly, entered the dining room with an unsure smile on her face. She knew something was bothering the leaders son and the boy had quite the temper. She'd feel sorry for whoever his mate was, but she knew the boy meant well and he would never purposely mean anything.

"Ms. Joseph--"

"Kelly." She folded a rag and tucked it into her apron. She was in the middle of cooking up dinner but she sensed the boys anger which is why she was where she was at now.

"Kelly, where's Tyler?" Joshua didn't bother looking up as he continued to write down whatever it was he needed to get a decent grade.

"He-- He's on the third floor. Why do you ask?" Kelly had that feeling, the reason why Joshua had asked for her son. She wasn't going to stop the boy because she thought it were about time that Tyler met someone but she didn't expect it to be the next Alpha leader in line. So she gave it a shot, wringing her hands together a bit too nervously, Joshua could sense it. "He's started his Heat."

The pencil in Joshua's hand broke. Make that sixteen pencils. "Excuse me, please." Joshua scoot his chair back with a screech on the hardwood floor and began his walk to the third floor, leaving Kelly to anxiously nod and go back to preparing dinner. She hoped everything would go well.

The third floor was completely off-limits unless you were going into your Heat or Rut. Alphas only had their Rut once a year but if they were within a certain space of an Omega in Heat, that would trigger an Alphas Rut and oh, Joshua was nearly there. The third floor was built with a thick wall that masked the scents of a Heat or Rut and it also kept all sound where it needed to be. The hallways were silent, even when entering the third floor the hallways were silent. The individual rooms being sound proof and Joshua was so grateful for that.

That smell, that delectable smell that made Joshua writhe was incredible and he was standing just outside of the room he could scent Tyler was in. He couldn't hear a thing but he could smell it all. Sweat, Heat, slick. Joshua needed to taste the precious Omega or he'd die. Maybe that was taking it a bit too far, he wouldn't die but he'd surely suffer.

With a swift movement, the door was opened and then closed. Joshua made sure to lock it.

Two parts to this. I'm absolutely in love with A/B/O. If you don't know what that is, comment and I'll make a chapter about it. Basic information. Let me know what you think. -Luke. Unedited.

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