Intergalactic Dating Service

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This was originally in a totally different book but I decided to just delete that coz what was the point in having 2 one shot books.

Are you trying to find your one true mate?

Tyler stood in front of the holographic screen as the android read off its traditional monologue.

Have you been rejected so often by beings in your own world that you're beginning to lose hope? Or worse yet; are you the sole survivor of a dying race? Well friend, we have the answer for you. The dregs of the universe dating service duds, is now accepting applications for our one-of-a-kind matching making experience. It's a big universe out there, somebody is bound to be looking for you.

Tyler straitens his posture and pulls at the leather material of his shirt. He sighs and stares at the hearts and flashy pink, red and beige colors. "Oh wow... Is this what I've been searching for? There might really be somebody out there who could love someone as awkward and unattractive as me." Tyler had no clue he was speaking his mind as the other aliens around him gave him looks of unbelief.

Others had career ads opened on their screens, new home services, adoption agencies and some even had food deliveries ready to be eaten. Tyler thinks that's the coolest invention yet.

As he speaks his mind, the other being next to him thought in utter wonder how this alien before him has had yet to find its soulmate? How in the universe could this paranorm be so unlucky to have had not found its one true love? Its breeder? An impeccable source of nourishment?

"I suppose it can't hurt to fill out the questionnaire," Tyler brings his fingers up to the screen, typing in each answer one-by-one.

Name: Ty-ler

Address: Woe-nellymadd Coopergigi Galaxy

Turn-on's: Personal locomotion along aquatic boundaries observing people as they pretend to be other people in fictional situations, simulating adventures with my digital display and communication apparatus and consuming pleasingly edible constructs

Turn-off's: Mean people and asteroid jams


"Hmm..." Tyler manages to complete the application just in time for the seventh sun to his it's highest peak.

Make sure you are standing and being still for a full-body scan.

"Oh... Oh boy, here we go. Won't know until I try, will I. Okay, standing for the body scan," Tyler's fingers twitch with the almost never ending standstill. "I sure hope there's someone out there who can love me in spite of my looks."


"That's it? Wow, fast scan." He scrunches his eyes as he watches several little dots spin in a perfect circle.

Focus visual receptors at the blue dot on the screen for my meld and brain scan.

"Well now, that seems awfully invasive-"

But necessary for proper matching making experience. The android seems to know what it's talking about.

Tyler clicks his teeth with apprehension. "Alright... okay. Just don't melt my brain or anything, not like that o-one time- Wow! That fast, not sure how I feel about that."

Please wait as we search our database for potential life partners.

Tyler's head and heart were churning, ideas and fantasies rolling about as those same several dots spun around and around quite quickly.

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