Ten days, seven maybe? Or is it years?

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"I can't see outside today, what's blocking the window?"

"A tree fell from the storm last night, thank god it didn't crack the glass." Two men are sat at a coffee table dealing each other cards whilst the another one was sat on the soft carpet, gazing up at the usually bright window, now gone dark.

"It'll be okay, tiny, aunt Tina will fix it later."

"Will she, Parker?"

"She sure will, Ross." Ross raises a brow at Parker before laying down his first card.

"Hey Ian, why don't you come over here and make sure Ross doesn't cheat again," at those words Ian giggles as he crawls from the soft carpet over to the coffee table, peering at each of the hands of cards, eventually letting an "ohhh" out as he sees Parker's cards. "That was a dead giveaway." Parker remarks.

"Beats me," Ross shrugs then the game begins.

After a few minutes, Ian's train of thought gets lost up at the window as he bites the inside of his cheek. A tree? He asks himself, crawling to sit right underneath the window. He often wonders why the window is on the ceiling, because didn't Parker say he had a big window by his bed at home? Wait, wasn't this his home? There wasn't any window by the bed! Parker must be seeing things. Ian giggles before looking down at the carpet, laying down on his stomach to pick at the fuzzy pink threads.

"Hey you," fingers poke at Ian's sides, causing a gasp of laughter to leave his lips.

"Emmett!" Ian throws himself at Emmett, the shaggy haired man smiling as the boy does this all the while hugging him. "When did you get back!"

"Inside voice, yeah? Just a minute ago, I told you I'd be back," Emmett kisses Ian's forehead, picking up the light boy who's legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. "Let's fix us something to eat,"

"Uh- actually that won't be happening today," Ross looks up at Emmett, "or tomorrow."

"Don't forget the day after that." Parker adds.

"What?" Emmett puts Ian down onto the bed, placing the boy's hands over his ears. Ian immediately starts to hum.

"Didn't you talk to her?" Ross asks, placing his cards down.

"You know every single time whenever it's my turn, I'm gone. There's no talking when I'm out, it's just do and go, how am I supposed to apologize when my brain's fried."

"Jesus Christ..." Parker rubs his face as he groans. "Well we've got to do something, Ian dropped a few pounds and if this keeps up he's going to starve."

"She wants him. She said to make up for the other night, she wants Ian for three days-"

"No, there's absolutely no way. Does she realize his bones are brittle? If she sits on top of him he will fucking break, there's no if." All three boys look over at Ian, who's sat with his hands still over his ears, humming the tune to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

"He needs to eat." Emmett states.

"We all do," Ross adds.

"But Ian especially, he - he's not going to last. He won't survive if he goes, Emmett, we have to think of something, anything."

"He's a grown man." Ross says.

"With the mentality of a six year-old, you fucking idiot." Parker stands abruptly, shoving the table as he does. "This isn't doing him good, he's going to die."

"Don't you say that, don't you dare say that." Emmett grabs Parker by his shirt, shoving him off before looking down at Ian. It was quiet in the room, quiet enough to hear the grumbles of Ian's stomach over his humming.

"And he needs more pampers but she isn't going to give them to us neither, so we're fucked if he wets the bed tonight because we're running out of soap."

"Parker if you don't shut your damn mouth and let me think!" Emmett yells, staring up at the window.

Ian has now switched to Mary Had A Little Lamb and begins to let his eyes wander over the shapes he's drawn on the wall.

"What if you two went together," Emmett says aloud.

"Me and Parker? Will she even want that?"

"It's all I can think of,"

"Even if she says yes, what makes you think she won't trick us and still not give us more food, soap, diapers and a new fucking window," Parker points to the window on the ceiling, shaking his head before kneeling down onto the floor, resting his head in his hands. "We've been in here for what, two years?"

"Seven... if you count Ian's years, what are you getting at." Ross mumbles.

"I think it's time we got out. We can't put up with her shit anymore, me and Emmett are nearly thirty, you and Ian are twenty-five... if we stay in here any longer I don't think it'll be all of us making it out. We have to get out! We need to get help, we need to - fucking do something, because I can't take this." Parker reaches up to take Ian's hands from his ears, lacing his fingers with the boy's, smiling when he smiles.

"You 'kay?" Ian asks, reaching out with his free hand to poke at a tear on Parker's cheek.

Emmett and Ross watch the two talk together as they sit on the other side of the room. "He's right, we have to get out of here. Enough is enough. She'll be thrown into prison for kidnap and rape, then we'll be free from all of this."

"Not necessarily free, I've thought about all of this. Not the escape part but what would happen once we got out? The press, I mean I've seen movies where the hostage gets interrogated and they're mentally unstable, one girl even tried killing herself. I don't want that for any of you,"

Emmett grabs onto Ross' hand, squeezing it gently. "We'll get out."

So I was going to make this into one gigantic one shot but I realized this type of plot needs an entire book. Please, please let me know what you think and if I should turn this into something more. Also, this is an original btw with the help of Hannah for the names.

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