Split Erie

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Another book given up. I should stop doing that and just put them all here.

Living on a Stateline has it's perks.

You could say "oh, I can be in two places at once" or "I only have to walk a millisecond to be in either Pennsylvania or Ohio." It goes both ways, and that's what Josh loves about his home. His bedroom is split right down the middle of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Stateline.

As an added bonus, his backyard isn't grass nor dirt, it's sand. Sand that makes up a beach which runs along a gigantic lake; Lake Erie.

"Joshua Dun if you're late for school two days in a row, so help me...!"

"Coming!" Josh yells back, grabbing his bookbag and phone, closing his door on the way out.

"Josh you can't keep doing this, you need perfect attendance in order to graduate. Once you get a job you won't be able to go in late every single day, you'll-"

"Get fired. I know, I know," he leans over to kiss his mother's cheek after grabbing a cold water bottle. "I gotta catch the bus, love you."

"I love you, have a good day!"

Josh locks the front door before walking to the bus stop down the street.

In between houses, he can see the lake. It's peaceful at this time of day. The sky is only littered with a few clouds and the sun's rising, casting an orange, pink and blue glow all around him. There's a light breeze that shakes the trees as the birds wake each other up to start their day. Josh sighs, he loves where he lives.

"Good morning, Mr late. How does it feel to not have mommy drive you to school today?" Ashley, Josh's closest friend for eight years, teases him as he walks closer to the bus stop.

"Ha-ha, I wasn't feeling well for your information, that's why I've been late," Josh rolls his eyes as he laughs.

"No you weren't, you complain like a baby when you're sick and I didn't get any texts from you." Ashley sits next to Josh on the curb, "oh Ash my head hurts. Ash my stomach hurts. Ash my whole life hurts," she pokes fun at him and they both laugh together.

"I don't complain, stop it." Josh whines and rubs at his sleep filled eyes.

"Yes you do, anyways," Ashley points to the house left of his own, "did you hear about Mr and Mrs Norfolk getting a new son?"

"What? They're adopting again? I thought they were stopping after Charlie died,"

"Nope, and apparently he's from Las Vegas, comes from a drug infused home and is a recovering addict."

"You sure do know a lot," Josh and Ashley stand as the bus pulls up in front of them.

They board then go to their seats. Ashley on the inside and Josh on the out.

"I may or may not have eavesdropped when I was over hanging out with Katrina,  she also told me some more about him. His name's Brendon and he's eighteen, that's about it. Are you eating breakfast today?"

"Depends on what they're serving. Do you know what he's recovering from?"

"Oh the drugs, well it was an injection so... maybe it was heroine? I don't know, you'll have to get to know him and find out."

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