Dude, This is Your Party

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Start the song. It's City Boy (Kks remix) by White Arrows.

Tyler was sat in his bedroom, a steady thump, thump, thump against his walls made his head burn, hurt, pound. "This was such a bad idea," he groans as he stands up to look out his window that overlooks the backyard. "Fuck, fuck fuck." He could see from here, people having sex in his pool. His parents' pool. "Fuck—"

"Yo!" His door opens and in walks Brendon and Ryan. "People are wondering where you went!" Moments before, Brendon had found the gnome he had stolen from his dealer and friend, well ex-friend now. Brendon tossed it back and forth with Ryan and a few other people, one of them claiming they heard rattling and indeed there was.

"Yeah man, we're gonna break open this gnome," Ryan was laughing as he shook the gnome in his hands, the pottery flipping each of them off. Like a silent 'fuck you' from it's owner. "Can we borrow your bat?" To which Tyler just shrugs.

"What's up?" Brendon laughs as he sits down. "It's your birthday, you're 18. Dude, this is your party, why aren't you out there?"

"My fucking head hurts, that's what's up. And— and Josh left so now he's mad at me and I'm upset about that and— look! They're fucking in the pool! Skinny dipping is fine but not that!"

"Ok, ok! We'll get them to stop for sure once we bust this bad boy open. Listen, whatever's in this, will make you feel so much better. You'll forget about Josh and your headache? Gone, poof! Or at least I hope, coz I don't know what's in it. Let's head out there and give the people what they want! The birthday boy, their host."

Tyler looks at them both before eyeing the gnome. "Fuck it," he stands up, grabs his bat from off his wall and the gnome from Ryan's hands. He walks out of his room, down the stairs and the tight spaces there were through all of the people then outside, where even then he had trouble getting through.

"Alright, alright back up! He's gonna swing!" Ryan and Brendon push people back just as Tyler throws the gnome up and swings the bat, hitting it on point causing it to bust open and small white pills to fly everywhere.

The crowd is silent around them, the music and yelling in the distance faint as they all stare at the mess on the ground.

"Holy shit," Tyler was amazed.

"It's ecstasy!" A girl and other people yell at the same time. "Go get em!"

"First come, first serve bitch!" Brendon shoves people away as he kneels down to grab fist fulls of the pills.

"Open up, birthday boy!" Ryan walks over to him with a pill and a beer. Tyler takes the pill and cringes at the taste of beer but howls, hyping himself and other people up as he goes off to dance.

this is short ik my bad, i just wanted to write something small and fun.

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