Rose-Colored Boy Pt. 4

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I had to break it, the wars are raging on

And I have taken my glasses off

You got me nervous

I'm right at the end of my rope

A half empty girl

Don't make me laugh, I'll choke.

Anything exciting or new. Anything out of Josh's comfort zone made him shiver with absolute disgust and he finds it hard to actually enjoy himself. He's situated a cycle for himself. Sleep, chores, eat, school, eat, sleep and then repeat until Saturday and Sunday comes. Which then he only sleeps and eats on a occasion.

Today though, was totally different. His cycle ruined by a petite, feminine boy. Skin so sun-kissed in the middle of winter, eyes so beautiful he could legitimately get lost in them, voice incredibly smooth it's a simile of anything dilute. Whatever that meant.

"Earth to Joshua," Tyler draws out Josh's name and Josh cringes at the professional use of his name.

"Don't call me that."

"Why?" Tyler takes a bite of his piece of cake, placing the fork into his mouth and sliding it out. He moans at the creamy chocolate taste, buttercream and all. Goodness. He was completely oblivious to what he was causing Josh to feel. "I like it. It's different, makes you sound masterful." Tyler raises his eyebrows, eyes blown wide as he speaks. A smile on his face.

Josh only shakes his head, looking around at all of the kids skating. Where he sat with Tyler and the rest of the adults, the lights were on but around the skate floor it was dark, flashing lights of all colors were running along with the skaters. Music was playing, the bass obnoxious, some popular pop song. Josh had no clue as to why he agreed to tag along.

"Do you wanna skate?" Josh hadn't even seen Tyler get up and leave. Tyler asks as he holds two pairs of skates, already having asked for Josh's size.

Josh would rather eat more of this sweetly disgusting cake then skate and ultimately fall on his ass. But: "Sure." Josh stands and takes the skates from Tyler, cringing as he takes his own shoes off and slides the, what he was sure weren't sanitized, skates on. Josh stands with a bit of struggle but begins to walk with Tyler towards the entrance of the hardwood floor. They wait for other skaters to pass before stepping onto the floor, Josh already felt himself losing balance as he grabs onto the wall. "Okay, yeah, no I'd rather not die like this."

"Oh don't be a baby, Joshua," Tyler grabs onto Josh's hand, pulling him out with himself as he skates almost professionally along with the music.

The only thing Josh could focus on was the feeling of his hand in Tyler's. Holy fuck, he's holding my hand. "C'mon Josh, just. . . Skate. Feel the air, it's quite relaxing." Tyler turns so that he was facing Josh, skating backwards and taking Josh by surprise. Tyler grabs onto Josh's other hand and gives him a big smile.

Josh was at a loss of words. Tyler was absolutely breathtaking, with this light. There was a fan going above all of the skaters and the wind from that caused Tyler's hair to fall into his eyes. Tyler giggled as he blew his hair up and out of his face.

That's when Josh suddenly decided, fuck it. He was here. He was here with Tyler, this beautiful boy he's been crushing on and he wasn't going to waste a single second of it. Josh pulls Tyler towards him, taking the boy by surprise but that doesn't stop the growing smile on his face. Tyler was waiting for this moment. That moment where Josh let all of his walls down and let himself actually enjoy something for once. Tyler was going to take advantage of this, after all, he likes Josh. He really likes Josh.

Tyler turns around, swinging Josh's arms around his shoulders, holding his hands. They both skate, Josh only messing up once or twice. Tyler's laughter made up for all of the times Josh nearly made the both of them fall.

For the first time tonight, Josh is smiling. It's genuine, wide.

Tyler stops them both, turning to face Josh with a smile of his own. Other people skate around them, some looking but not paying any attention as they mind their own business. The music was still playing, loud as ever. The colorful lights were still flashing, bright as ever.

"You have a really nice smile," Tyler yells to Josh. He lifts his hand up to push some of Josh's curls away from his eyes. He leans up, placing a small kiss to Josh's cheek. Josh was taken aback, but he liked it. He wasn't going to let anything ruin his mood or this moment. Tyler was blushing, looking down and biting on his bottom lip in slight embarrassment. But he didn't regret that kiss, after all it was only on the cheek.

Josh pulls Tyler along with him as he skates towards the exit of the floor, easily allowing them to walk on the carpet. Josh leads them to somewhere quiet, away from the crowd of several other birthday parties. There was an arcade in the building, slightly abandoned from all of the attention on the skating floor.

The space between Josh and Tyler was little, they were hidden by one of the arcade games as Josh takes Tyler's hand in his once again. "This is moving too quickly but," Josh looks down, shaking his head. "This isn't how I wanted this to go."

"What do you mean?" Tyler asks, confused.

"I like you, I'm sure you already know that."

Tyler blushes, looking down as Josh starts to rub his thumb back and forth onto Tyler's hand. This was so unlike Josh. He was taking himself by surprise which was happening quite a lot this evening. "I guess I wanted to be friends with you before anything happened? I wanted to get to know you. But, I hate anything that's not-a cycle, apart of my cycle."

"You have things planned out." Tyler says.

"I do, it's sort of a pattern for me. Maybe it's OCD or something, I just-don't agree with anything and I hate a lot of stuff." Josh scoffs because he's not making any sense.

"We could slow things down? I could take a step back if you need it." Tyler goes to show an example by actually taking a step back away from Josh, letting go of the boy's hands.

"No!" Josh exclaims, pulling Tyler back towards him. "Now that I've got a taste of what you're like. . . I can't stay away from you. You can't make me do that."

Tyler bites at his lip, looking up into Josh's eyes. "Then I won't." He could see the impact of this on Josh. He could tell that something different was happening and he was going to let it happen.

"Can we spend as much time with each other as possible?" Josh asks and he's not even sure what else to say. He's decided to let Tyler in on his cycle, to be apart of his pattern. Hell, he might even let the boy take up the entirety of the whole thing.

"I'd love that, Joshua."

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