An Offer You Can't Refuse

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two men dancing in harlem, 1920s ^
creds to meggie & aliza & cardlin

Josh walks to the front door and opens it to reveal Tyler, in all his slicked back hair and tuxedo glory. He smiles as Tyler opens his arms with a laugh. "Hey toots, I'm home," he laughs again with a wink as he pulls Josh into a hug. He pulls back after a good few seconds and sighs dreamily. "Boy, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Come here," as Josh blushes furiously, Tyler kisses him deeply, missing the way his boy's lips tasted. "I went all weekend without those lips, how did I manage?" Tyler hums, biting his bottom lip. "Darlin' have I got a story for you," Tyler follows Josh to the couch.

"You want one?" Josh pulls out a pack of cigarettes.

"Eh?" Tyler fumbles with his waistcoat, not hearing what Josh had said. "Yeah, I could go for a smoke. But me? Hey, I promise I'm not no cheap schmuck, I'll pay 'ya back. Hell, I'll buy 'ya a whole new pack if that's what you want, dollface." Josh laughs but shakes his head saying he'll manage, holding out his cigarette pack out for Tyler. "No, no don't give me the fuckin' thing," Tyler lights one of the cigarettes then takes a drag, blowing out the smoke.

"What's this story you've got to tell me?" Josh asks.

Tyler makes an 'ah' face before taking another hit. "So it's Saturday night and a couple of the boys tell me about this party a few blocks down, and I'm thinkin' 'party? it's gonna be a dump, especially on that side of town' but whoa, baby, that thing was a blow. There was more liquor than you could count! And this wasn't any of that, no good coughin' goo lows guma gags makin' the tubs, they had high quality whiskey. So, everyone's yammerin' and the place is packed. I look over and see they got a poker game goin' so Alby, fuckin' Alby, slaps me on the back and says 'what are you scared?' A couple of wins later, I'm feelin' great and I'm fried, I mean, drunk out of my mind. All of us there were drinkin' like there was no tomorrow and then, you won't believe it, this guy--"

As Tyler was telling his story, Josh had looked down and around at himself, his minimal wage apartment then over to his boyfriend. His gangster boyfriend who had a million dollars to his name and went out every weekend.

"Hey, what's matter?" Tyler stops his rant, "aw no, I know it's somethin'. You're doing that pouty thing with 'ya lip, usually I think it's cute but I know there's somethin' behind it. C'mon doll, what's wrong, what's eating you, huh?" Josh only shakes his head. "Come on, baby, you can tell me. Was uh - some fella tryna rough you up? Somebody tryna bother you? Because believe me, sweetheart, I'd be happy to take him for a ride and bump him off y'know what I mean, and y'know the boys and I, a thorough baby, well we can make a problem like that...disappear." Tyler explains himself the best he can, giving Josh reassurance and letting him know that he could tell him anything and everything.

"No, it's not that," Josh shakes his head.

"No tough guys buggin' you, huh? Then what's the problem then, babycakes?"

"Well, you do all of these nice things and look - look! You're dress to the nines and I'm over here in the communal, living in a slump while you're out partying and playin' poker, spending money I wouldn't mind havin'." Josh sighs and slaps his hands onto his knees, frustrated. "Tyler, I'm just unsure of myself and I wish you'd share with me a little of what you got."

"What, well," Tyler furrows his brows and shakes his head. "What do you mean tuts, you're unsure of yourself?" Josh nods. "Babydoll, you're the sweetest thing there is and you're fiery and gorgeous, I mean, a real choice bit of calico. Believe me when I say it, you are," Tyler takes his thumb and first three fingers to his lips, mocking a kissing noise. "You are the greatest there ever was, doll."

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