Rose-Colored Boy Pt. 2

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Rose-colored boy, I hear you making all that noise about the world you want to see.

"I guarantee you Mr. Hoover is going to make you play in front of everyone today." Hayley jokes as the two make their way into Music Production class. A class they both love dearly. Brendon had a similar class: Choir.

"And if he does I'll accuse you of man-jinxing." Josh rolls his eyes, sitting down onto his assigned seat.

"Is that your version of manslaughter?" Hayley laughs, digging out her journal full of song lyrics and music notes.

"Yes now leave me alone, you man-jinxer."

Class started minutes later as everyone settled into their seats and just as Hayley suspected, "Josh, come up here and give us another sample."

"Told you so." Hayley giggles.

Josh sighs, nodding his head before getting up and making his way up to the front of the class where Mr. Hoover kept a beautiful set of drums that Josh only dreamed he had the money for. "What do you want me to play today?"

"Anything that comes to mind, but I'm going to tell you what I suggest every other day. Think of something then play what your heart tells you." And Josh had to bite his tongue from telling his teacher off and saying that this wasn't a piano or keyboard, this was a drum set, one of the most hardcore of instruments out there. But as the class got quiet and Mr. Hoover sat back into his ugly office chair, Josh stretched his arms behind his head then began to play a simple beat for starters.

"Pssst, Hayley." A girl behind Hayley tapped her on the shoulder.

Hayley turned around to see a beautiful girl with platinum blonde hair with a random stripe of blue-green in her hair. "J-Jenna, right?"

"Yeah!" Jenna whispered. "How'd you know? Wait, never mind, forget I asked. But I wanna know if you want to sit with me and my friend Tyler tomorrow at lunch?"


"Bring your friend Josh and that other boy if you want! I promised Tyler he could be the one to ask but I got too excited, I couldn't hold it in." Jenna giggled once again and Hayley decided that she would want to hear that sound a dozen times more.

"Yes, we'll be there."


The next day was when Hayley brought up the plans she had made for her group, minutes before the lunch bell. "We're sitting with Jenna Black today."

"But isn't she--"

"Shut up, you're gonna ruin my chances, Brendon."

"Your chances? Holy shit, you like blondie!" Brendon claps his hands together, laughing.

Hayley moves so her hand is wrapped around Brendon's throat, not even squeezing as Brendon fakes losing his breath. "Oh yeah, keep up the jokes but it won't be funny when I castrate you in front of Ryan Ross. Now shut your mouth so I can actually get a girlfriend." She threatens as she removes her hand from around Brendon's throat.

"Geez, fine fine. Where's Josh anyway? He'll be ecstatic to know we're sitting with Tyler today."

"He texted me, he got stuck in B hall." Hayley rolls her eyes at that and so does Brendon. The B hall was the main hallway that all students used to either get to their class, locker, or the cafeteria. It was also the hallway that connected to the hallway that led to the gymnasiums and natatorium, which meant tons of athletes and their equipment hustling and bustling with the rest of the school.

"Guy, oh my God, thanks for the help. I almost fell this time, almost." Josh appeared a few minutes afterwards, sweat was actually built up upon his forehead.

"We're sitting with Tyler today." Brendon bluntly stated with zero emotion on his face.

"What? No we aren't, why would we?" Josh frantically asks.

"Ask clementine."

"Oh shut up, Brendon. You're just mad you don't want to bleach your hair in order to dye it."

"Uh, that is not it at all, thank you very much."

"Okay guys, shut up! Why are we sitting with them today?" Josh grabbed onto Hayley's shoulders. "What did you do?"

"What did I do? I didn't do anything. Jenna Black came up to me and asked if I wanted to sit with her and Tyler today, she also asked for me to bring you and Bren so shut your mouth. I'm benefiting you."

"And what about me? I get nothing out of this. Ryan doesn't even sit with them since he hates Tyler so much." Brendon whines.

"Will you shut up? You've done nothing but complain today, did someone piss in your cereal this morning?"

Josh shook his head at his friends, they were like this every single day and they're lucky they're all he's got. He would ditch them if he had the guts.

"Hey Hayley! I saved you and your friends some seats." Jenna Black is all smiles as she glances at everyone but leaves an even longer glance at Hayley. "Tyler wants to meet you guys, c'mon!"

Brendon rolls his eyes because he's just not in the mood anymore but at that, Josh nudges him. "Don't you dare leave me alone, you twat." Josh narrows his eyes at Brendon who rolls his eyes once again before dragging the both of them to the table where all is holy sat all together.

"Tyler, this is Hayley, Brendon, and Josh! I told you I'd get them to sit with us."

"Hush, Jen." Tyler laughs as he looks over towards Josh. "It's nice to meet you." He says.

Josh was in a fucking trance as the rose-colored boy sat there with beautiful brown eyes and tan soft skin and, no, why are you thinking these things? Josh blinked then sat down abruptly in the seat that was pulled out for him.

Twenty minutes into lunch, Tyler, Jenna, and Hayley struck conversation about the recent terrorist attack.

"Yeah it's really sad! There's no humanity left." Jenna spoke.

"I want to see more green and less pollution, like with the city lights. Goodness, I live down the street from the State Fairgrounds and they leave those lights on all the time. Even in the barns where they keep the horses, there's always light on. People have no heart these days--" Tyler went on and on and Josh drowned him out because he could care less about light pollution and heart because none of that was even remotely close to his bedroom. No love or light has ever seen Josh's bedroom.

"Josh? What do you think?" Then suddenly Tyler's angelic voice, dare he say it at all, pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I don't... care at all really. It's all bullshit to me." Josh says. "As a matter of fact it actually annoys me. Because no matter what anybody does, regardless of what anyone says, the world will never change because that's just how it is. That's life, there's no humanity within any of it." He sighs, shaking his head because he's done it again, he's added his two cents and no one ever cares for his opinion. "I gotta go, I'll see you guys later." Josh stands and mutters to Brendon and Hayley who only sit confusedly as they watch their friend walk away with a slouch in his shoulders.

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