Put A Happy Song Over Something Bad, It's Less Scary

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I'm watching one of those old werewolf movies and there's this scene where the boy turns for the first time and it's painful but there's this lighthearted song playing in the background. I imagined Josh as the boy turning.

tw: josh screams a lot in this and it's not in a good way, he's in a lot of pain, there's a lot of crying as well, bones breaking

Also why's it always Josh that I choose that gets hurt, like this isn't intentional. And although it doesn't seem like it but he can actually barely speak any words from how much pain he's in. He's stuttering and stuff but I don't want to have a lot of dashes so it's going to sound like he's speaking perfectly when he really isn't. Okay also listen, I only put the video up there so the song was there and that you could see the first half of Josh's transition. I'm gonna have Josh turn into a full on wolf in this one cause I personally think it's terrifying when a werewolf doesn't look just like a wolf, get what I mean?

"You've gotta stay inside, you hear me?" The Alpha who had bit Josh stood mighty tall in front of the boy. He should've chosen someone more taller but Josh was at the wrong place at the right time. "Do you understand?!"

"Y-yes!" Josh stuttered and jumped at the strong voice. He didn't want this, why the hell was he even out at two in the morning on a Tuesday? If he had just took deep breaths and stayed inside of his room, he wouldn't have ran off in anger.

The Alpha, after that, ran off. He wouldn't want to be anywhere near Josh once the boy changed into his wolf form. The first time is always the ugliest. It's also the most painful and brutal. With the sensitive ears all Werewolves gain after changing their first time, the Alpha wouldn't want to be anyway near the boy once those agonising wails began.

"Stupid stepfather and stupid stepbrother, stupid stupid stupid." Josh muttered as he kicked a few rocks on his way back home. "Well, guess it's a good thing they're all out for the weekend. Fucking... prudes." Josh itched at the back of his neck, swearing underneath his breath as he made his way back into his home.

Making sure to lock the front door, Josh runs to the back of the house where his small room was kept then closes the door and locks it as well.

Since this wasn't the best neighbourhood, Josh's only window was boarded up making that one less thing to worry about.

"It's so hot." Josh takes off his shirt and his pants, leaving himself in only his underwear. There was sweat already gathering all over his body and he had no idea why. It's the middle of summer and the air-conditioning was on full blast. "God, it's so hot. Why's it so fucking hot." Josh lays himself on his bed, sprawling his body out but that didn't help. "Fucking hot..." Josh stands up then begins to tear off his bed sheets, throwing them to the other side of the room.

By now his hair was soaking wet. Sweat was practically dripping off of his body and onto the floor by his feet.

Reaching down towards his underwear, Josh takes them off leaving him completely bare but still a sweating mess. It was still excruciatingly hot.

"Fuck!" Suddenly a piercing pain erupted throughout his head, then down his neck and back, down to his legs and to his toes. "No, fuck!" Josh drops down to his knees, still gripping at his hair to the back of his neck where it really hurt the most. "God!" The word is drawn out and the sound of his voice was hoarse and completely raw already.

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