Hollow Crown Pt. Two

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Mornings always were a little out of the ordinary. They were hard to come across because Tyler was always either still working his shift at the hospital, or he was asleep. He never got to see the sunrise or have morning coffee. He hasn't watched the morning news in over a month.

Today was different though. Tyler was laid in bed with the blinds drawn, an almost empty cup of coffee on his bedside table and the TV mounted on the wall was quietly showing reruns of the Maury Show. The morning news already over with.

Tyler was at peace. The past two days he was running on Red Bull and coffee, an hour of sleep every fifteen, and Jenna's encouragement. She's been reassuring him that he doesn't need to push past his body's limit. The aftermath from the shooting has gone through and the remaining victims have gained their strength back; most having gone home and used the hospitals at-home program to their advantage.

Jenna had received a call at four this morning, she's gotten the early morning shift and said she'd be home with lunch at around noontime. Tyler asked for Subway so that's what she's planned on getting. Four subs, three macadamia nut cookies, two bags of cheddar sunflower chips and an iced tea for Josh.

Speaking of, the shower that was running has turned off and the bathroom door across the hall is being opened. "Dammit, we need to call maintenance to fix that air vent. It's steamy as hell," Josh was swinging the door back and forth to try and rid the steam from the room. "Did the results come back from that one couple? Is he the baby daddy," he laughs as he walks into the bedroom, holding the towel securely around his waist.

"Sadly, he was not the father," Tyler sighs heavily, turning off the television.

"That's how it always ends these days," Josh has dropped his towel and took out his scrubs for the day. Navy blue. He was always a plain kind of guy, as with Tyler. But Tyler wore light pink. He chooses bright colors versus the opposite. "Will you be okay until Ryan gets home? I know it's been a hard couple of days," Josh has slid on his briefs, laying himself down next to Tyler. His hand is placed onto Tyler's head, feeling around for a temperature as he always does.

"I'll be okay, I promise." Tyler assures.

"Alright," Josh leans down to place a kiss to Tyler's nose and forehead. He's unfortunately quick to dress himself, sliding on his shoes. "You stay in bed. I'll see you later, baby, I love you to the moon and back." Josh leans down to place a kiss to Tyler's lips now.

Tyler's eyes are closed, he's thinking about taking a nap. "To the moon and back," he says.

Josh gives him a loving smile before grabbing his backpack then leaving the room.

Tyler waits till he hears the front door open, close, close again and then lock. Now he can finally rest until Ryan arrives.

He ends up falling asleep and staying asleep until eleven-thirty. The sound of the front door closing and being locked and a "Tyler, I'm home" being called throughout the apartment. Oh Ryan, Tyler feels like he's barely gotten the chance to see him. The last time he spoke to Ryan properly was after he had dropped that dead boy off with all of the other deceased.

"Ryaaaaaaan," Tyler is already holding out his arms even before Ryan has entered the bedroom. "Hold me, I miss you!" He's desperate for the attention.

Ryan comes running into the bedroom, throwing his shoes into a corner before going to climb onto the bed.

"Shirt, shirt!"

"Oh right, how could I ever forget," Ryan pulls off his shirt, going ahead and taking off his pants as well. "No one likes the smell of hospital, I'm sorry." Ryan knows better than to forget. Usually when Tyler takes a day off, he can't stand to be anywhere near the hospital let alone the smell of it. "Sorry, Ty."

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