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The Understanding

       We both stared at the open door that he ran through, both knowing that he wasn't coming back. He did his part in the plan, now it was time for me to face the fire. When I turned back to look at her though, I could've sworn I flicker of sadness taint her dark eyes before she quickly concealed it and coldly stared me down.

"Trinity Callen," she mused interlocking her fingers and taking a step forward, "one woman who better be worth all this trouble."

She moved passed her desk and walked forward, stopping where I stood. We were shoulder to shoulder, both of us looking straight ahead of us.

"Those boys at the warehouse were all they were: boys. The Jewels are given to real men, and you'll be taught to attend to their every need. Some want the sex, others might just want the simplicity of communication," she explained then her voice lowered an octave, "he's gone and he's not coming back. He won't be here to save you -"

I laughed loudly interrupting her speech.

"Save me?" I repeated through my chuckles as I turned around to look at her, "lady, I don't need him to save me. I save myself."

She scoffed and walked through the door. Who did she think I was? Some poor defenseless girl waiting for my knight in shining armor? Axel was more like my knight in shining tin foil.

At the thought of him, my vision blurred and I saw his face before me when Ravenna mentioned the name Valentina. Who was she? Whoever she was, she certainly had an effect on him.

I spun around and followed her through the door and back into the lounge. She stood idly by, having a conversation with Felix. My jaw clenched at the sight of them both and I marched up to them.

She saw me coming.

Flashing him a dismissive wave, he nodded and walked in the direction of the elevator and disappeared behind the silver doors.

"Come," she ordered, moving across the room with her gaze set on the four beautiful women comfortably seated and conversing with each other.

"Who was she?" I asked before the curiosity ate me alive.

She spared a glance at me before she spoke, "That's not my story to tell."

That only fed my curiosity. Not her story to tell meant that there was a story around here somewhere. Axel's story. His vulnerable state at the utterance of her name told me that much, but she knew which card to play to make him feel like that.

"Alright jewels, listen up. Our newest addition is here. Her name is Trinity Callen." They whispered amongst themselves as four pairs of eyes stared at me.

"She already has an apartment in our building and has been trained to the best,"

One of the women spoke up.

"Who trained her?" her brunette hair was scooped up in one and her brown eyes were focused on Ravenna. Her arms were folded across her chest.

I saw Ravenna raise an eyebrow and she waited two seconds before responding.

"Axel trained her himself."

The brunette's eyes widened in shock and her folded arms fell from her chest.

"He never trains anyone," the woman stated in a tone of shock.

"Enough, Desiree," snapped Ravenna, "back on topic, she has been to her apartment and has..."

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