Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

By the time I arrive back to my room it's about half past 6. Since Kit wasn't back I decide to have a shower and change into a new set of clothes. I wouldn't be seeing Storm until tomorrow so I might as well get out of my riding gear and clean up. Before going into the shower I pick out a new outfit to wear out to dinner. Afterwards I walk into the new bathroom. The realisation has started to hit me that I'm here, out of all people that could've got an EFA equestrian scholarship, it was me. Me?

What makes me so special?

When I go to shows I always look out at riders my age that are way more advanced then me. Why, out of all people, was I chosen for the scholarship?

These thoughts kept swirling around in my head even when I was in the shower washing my hair. Storm and I had a lot to work on, even if he does everything correct, we can do better. There's plenty of room for improvement. We may go well in dressage but it's the more advanced moves we need to learn. That's our weakness in dressage, and things like jumping, Storm sometimes rushes or hesitates.

By the time I turned off the shower and got out, it was nearly 7pm and Kit was napping on her bed. Should I wake her up? As I dry my hair with the towel I decide to wake her up in about 20 minutes so we can go get dinner.

In those 20 minutes I dry my hair with just a towel. Since it isn't too thick it dries quickly, I only use my blow dryer if I'm in a rush or else it all goes fluffy. And not in a cute way, that's for sure. When it's no longer wet I brush it carefully and wake up Kit. She rolls around on her bed groaning in frustration.

"What time is it?" she asks, her eyes opening sleepily.

"Nearly 7:20pm" I respond looking at my phone. I here her mumble something before she moves to sit up.

"I'll just get changed and we can head to dinner if you want?" she suggest rubbing her eyes climbing off the bed.

"Sounds like a plan" I respond as I grab a hair tie from the counter and start platting my hair.


To say the cafeteria was busy is an understatement, masses of students were either piled at desks talking excitedly to friends or lined up for food. This cafeteria is definitely not your average one, it's themed out really well and reminds me of those cool all-you-can-eat buffets. If someone showed me pictures of this place before I came and said it's the school cafeteria I would laugh.

"The cafeteria, looks awesome, don't you think?" I said to Kit surprised she heard me through the loud chatter.

"Yeah I know right, our design classes redecorated like everything so more people get food here, then it doesn't go to waste" Kit explains as we get in line.

"Where were they getting their food from before then?" I ask.

"We have multiple shops on campus, the managers are always a teacher but almost all the other staff are students, they're run so we can get work experience and certificates depending on the store" Kit says picking up a tray, which almost all of them were gone.

"That's cool, do they get paid?" I continue to question as I pick up a tray and decide on what to select to eat as we continue walking.

"Well it all depends, if the person is working towards a certificate then no, but if that person is already certified and applies for a permanent job then yes, but you have to be in grade 10, 11 or 12" Kit sighs longingly. As she speaks I pick up a slice of freshly made lasagna, some bread sticks and a juice box. I'm guessing they don't give out caffeinated drinks this close to bedtime, I must have to go to the shops that Kit is talking about.

"Do you want a job there or something?" I ask prying into the reason why Kit was frowning.

"Yeah, I want to do retail, but first I need to do my certificate for it this year since last year I didn't get in-" Kit starts.

"-but even if I do, my parents want me to stay focussed on swimming and school" she pouts.

Luckily the cafeteria food is free, otherwise my parents wouldn't be pleased about the money I use to feed myself.

"Earth to Taylor" I hear Kit laugh as we stalk around the cafeteria looking for a table to sit at.

"Yeah?" I respond sheepishly.

"Do you want to sit here?" Kit asks.

"Yeah alright" I said pulling out a chair to sit on.

The table Kit had picked was further at the back next to a window. It was dark by now and I could just see the trees swaying outside. It was nice not having snow but I can imagine that the breeze moving those trees is ice cold. We're up north in Florida so it still can get chilly at times. The heaters however kept the cafeteria warmed up so I wasn't complaining.

"So I never got to ask, what subjects did you pick?" Kit quizzes.

"Well for the first elective I chose P.E Extension since I enjoy doing any sports, and my second elective was obviously equine studies" I said digging into my lasagna.

"You?" I ask.

"It was an easy choice once I got into Trish's office, my first elective I picked was design and fashion, the second was retail studies, the reason being is that if I don't get a spot for the certificate I told you about, I have something to fall back on" Kit explains brushing a stray bit of her brown hair away.

"Good choice, I'm sure you'll get what you want the second time around" I tell to her encouragingly.

"Thanks Taylor" Kit smiles as she eats her food.

We chat for a while longer and are joined by some of Kit's swimming friends. By the time we leave it's nearly 8pm, let me tell you, Kit and her friends talk a lot. All of them were super nice and inviting, but when the topic about the infamous "Gemma White" came up, Kit went silent. The girls went on and on about how big of a threat she was. As much as I felt sorry for Kit it was the Gemma girl I was concerned about. She could be a really nice person but half the swim team have already marked her as competition. That could have easily of happened to me with the equestrian team, luckily it didn't. A short while after they ended that conversation, Kit and I left.

While Kit showered, I began checking my emails. A reminder pops up telling me that horse inspections start at 6:30am tomorrow morning. Something I wasn't keen for. Along with everyone else, new or not, I had to make sure I give up to date photocopies of all his papers and forms. Forms like registration, confirmation of vaccinations, ownerships papers and so on. That alone had to be handed in before 6:30, I have to be warmed up on Storm by 6:30 in my year levels designated arena for that morning. We were either sharing an arena with the year above us, or below us. From there onwards we ride for the next hour, this is so the instructors can examine if our horse is showing any signs of injuries. It's also a check to see if they're capable of meeting the requirements at EFA.

If not then that rider has to ride a school horse instead until their original mount is prepared and meets expectations. I know I have nothing to worry about with Storm but I just hope he behaves. Once Kit exits the bathroom we decide to watch a movie on her computer until lights out.

Taylor's EFA checklist
•Don't stuff up introductions: check
•Don't loose your horse: check
•Don't face plant: check
•Don't do anything embarrassing that could potentially mess up the rest of your life: check
•Make friends: check
•Have fun: check

If I do say so myself, I think I had a pretty successful first day.

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