Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Okay, I like EFA and all but I think I'm going to leave this school if they give us anymore homework" I joke as I type away on my computer. It was finally a Friday night, and I was exhausted. After attending the prep rally and my riding lesson, I had to then go and finish homework. My riding lessons were at 6pm on Fridays due to the rallies going for a couple hours. There was no way I would have the motivation to do work tomorrow. I have to get Storm prepared for the show I was going to with Sabrina on Sunday.

It was so exciting, even the other girls were coming out with their horses. They however weren't doing individual jump classes, instead they were competing in the one day event. That meant they had to do dressage, cross country and show jumping. I was almost jumping with joy when confirmation papers came through on Thursday morning. I was beginning to worry I would have to drop out of the competition.

Another perk at EFA is that the school has their own horse trailers, and a lot of them. It was for events like this were many different riders were going to a show and had no parents to take them. An obvious common occurrence. Not like EFA was short of money, tuition costs a wounding amount of money.

"You'll get use to it, wait until midterms" Kit teases.

"Gross, don't even remind me" I said scrunching up my nose in disgust.

"-I'm going to get something to eat, you want me to bring back anything?" I ask standing up suddenly.

"Nope I'm good, I ate earlier" Kit reassures smiling.

I bid my goodbyes and make my way down stairs. I spot Heather and Ebony watching a show with some other girls but I keep going. It's not great getting the stink eye from Ebony all the time. Opening the door quietly a cool breeze hits me immediately, confirming my choice of clothing was best. I was craving pizza like crazy so that's where I was heading. That was until a stupid ass person ran straight into me and almost knocked my phone out of my hand.

"What the hell Zander" I snap in annoyance clutching my phone close.

"Oh sorry Taylor" he says sending me a sheepish smile.

"Why are you running? The pizza is that way!" I said in exasperation before motioning violently at the shop only about 100 meters away.

"You think this is funny?" I snap when he starts to laugh.

"I know where the pizza place is Taylor, I've been going to this school for years. If you took any notice, I was going for a jog. You know, to stay fit for sports" he says in a duh tone.

I blush suddenly feeling embarrassed. Oh my gosh, I'm such an idiot!! He probably thinks I'm such an rude person.

"Oh.... You sure?" I ask trying to keep my dignity, but instead it made me feel worse.

"Yes!" He laughs even harder finding the whole encounter amusing.

"Uh sorry for yelling at you, I'm just craving food right now and I get all crabby and-" I start before stopping when he raises his hands in a surrendering kind of way.

"It's okay, seriously, I ran into you remember" he says sincerely.

"You sure, I still shouldn't have been so rude, if you just forget about this whole thing I'll buy you pizza right now" I bargain before realising what it sounded like and blushing again.

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