Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

EFA tryouts are stressful.

Today's definitely an important day, and EFA's world class coaches definitely made us know it. The coaches held clip boards while the arenas and jumps looked better then show worthy.

Of course Scarlett, Mia and Ebony were the most dressed up. It really made them stick out. But I knew EFA didn't get its best and most reputable riders from picking fashionable students. These tryouts weren't simple and everyone was being marked harshly.

I had just finished my dressage phase, Storm working up a light sweat. Everyone had been approached by the coaches and given feedback. Mine was both good and bad. I gave great light cues, but I had a tense posture and needed to stay more in sync with Storm. We needed to move as one.

I was disappointed, dressage was always our best phase. Usually Storm and I were in sync, but I was so tense throughout the test that is affected our performance. Instead of working with each other, we both were trying to anticipate the others movements.

I definitely couldn't let that happen in the next phase, cross country.

As Storm and I turn for the cross country course, my eyes wondered over the other students. I definitely wasn't in Forestlake anymore. There were more horses and riders that appeared to jump massive heights with ease. Whereas, Storm and I were still working our way up in those ranks.

I admit, it made me nervous.

Storm wasn't as tall as the others, or as compact. The only thing that really made him look like an eventer was his muscle build and great stamina. It was a bonus that his Arabian side stereotypically gave him better endurance. Or at least, I think so.

Picking up a canter, I take Storm over multiple warm up fences. He seemed to be very responsive today, confidently springing over he least favourite jump, a ditch. I was a little nervous to see what would happen on our official round. The ditches were wider then the practice one, and we still have issues with them. They'll be Storm's enemy and potential downfall for a long time yet.

After taking one last jump, I was confident that Storm was ready.

We walk around but I don't risk leaving him on a loose rein. There were to many unfamiliar horses and sights around. I find myself watching the other riders warm up, all just as impressive as their peers. I couldn't help the competitive spark that had ignited. I had to do well! After dressage, I knew I was sitting mid field and that's not good enough. Mid field means losing my potential spot in the advanced team.

I couldn't let that happen.

After checking the time, I begin walking Storm to the start box.

"Taylor, wait up" I hear someone call.

I turn in the saddle to see Sabrina jogging over.

I smile. "Hey, what's up?"

"Look, this is a little last minute but Mr Reynolds needs an answer. I was suppose to be heading up to Canada with the junior advanced team, but I got my show dates mixed up" Sabrina explains.

I glance in the direction of the start box. "You don't mind if we walk and talk, I'm up soon?"

Sabrina nods. "That's fine, anyway, I got my dates mixed up. Basically, I have to go down to Ocala on Monday"

"Okay?" I glance at her, clueless as to why she's telling me this.

"So now there's a free spot in attending the J.O.P.S clinic. But since I'm not going, they're racing to find a rider to fill it" Sabrina continues.

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