Fall of Angels

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When Leo saw that I was the one who opened the door of the car, he was puzzled, he realized his horrible mistake, how could he skip my exam ?? And so ....  he made the worst response and reaction ever.

The car was turned on and that little clumsy idiot  pressed so~  hard on the gas pedal that it probably broke after that, and you know "my luck" helped too, I Couldn't FREAKING REMOVE MY HAND FROM THE CAR DOOR because of the shock and so my "amazingly" working brain gave me an idea to get in the car instead ( yup, Ik perfect idea) and to put some decorations on it,  Leo drove to the edge of the mountain. then it happened ........ he tried to get away from the edge but the snow was silky and slippy that we free fall all the way down the mountain, it was the highest mountain, ever. I couldn't function well but ............ I did something , that one thing I'll never regret, when my brain calculated that we were super close to the ground, finally it did something useful ...... I turned and hugged Leo and covered him with my body and with my soul .

That was the last thing I remember but I know that from that day every thing changed and got weird , really weird.

I made this chapter short intentionally because things are going to be a little complicated 😁

If there's any thing wrong with the words, I'm sorry I probably didn't see it . Ok then, let's see what will happen next .🤔

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