Chapter 5

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Phil's POV

I finally arrived at April's, I stood and waited for her for awhile but she's probably still asleep, I got in my car but then I saw her in the Windows, I got out of the car quickly and we had a stare down, we kept staring at each other. One difference, my eyes had love and passion and hers had anger and hatred. She walked away from the window and a second later I saw her getting out of the house, getting down the stairs. I ran to her direction, 'April! April. Please just hear me out!' I said, April kept walking, not even turning around. She got to her car but I stopped her by putting my hand on hers, stopping her from opening the door. I looked down at our hands, and then up to her. We stared at each other, I gripped on her hand softly. Suddenly, April removed her hands from under mine roughly and drove away. I sighed and drove away too.

At Work;

April's POV

I'm currently at work, meeting clients here and there. It's pretty exhausting, I didn't even have breakfast. It's 2:00 O'clock and I can't take it anymore. 'April, somebody want you' the desk beside me said, I sighed and got up. 'Hello, I'm April Mendez. How may I help you?' I asked, the client turned around. Holy Shit, it's Phil. 'April' he said, 'You followed me to here!?' I asked angrily, 'I called Cassie and asked her where you work. I need to talk to you' he said and came closer to me, 'That's the same thing you said when you wanted to break up with me! And don't come any closer!' I shouted, 'I know that I'm the one who ended us and I know I hurt you but I want to fix it' Phil said. 'Fix it!? Fix it!? There is no way you can fix it! It's over! It has been over for two years! Get the hell out of here! I do not want to see you or talk to you' I said loudly. I was fine with him not being here, I really really was. I don't want him back. Phil looked down, 'I know I hurt you, I hope we could talk sometimes. I hope you call, I'm sorry April.' Phil said and walked to the door. He turned around, 'I really am' he said and walked away.

•ND <3

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