Chapater 38

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April's has been With Jake for a week now. Right now, she's at the airport.. she's travelling with her team, again. 'I'm gonna miss you, baby' Jake said, not wanting to let go of April's hand. April forced a smile and hugged Jake softly, 'I'm gonna miss you, too'. Jake smiled and kissed April's cheek, softly. 'I hate using you.. you're too good for me' April thought.. she admits that she had so much fun with Jake, he made her smile from the inside.. it reminded her of high school.. but she knew her heart belonged somewhere else.. with Phil's.. she hates to admit it but she can't help it. Ever since him coming at her hotel room, they haven't talked. April knew from Randy that Eve went to his house and how she tried to get him back, she also found out about the engagement and wished them all the best.. even though she didn't want to see Randy with anyone but Eve, but who knows? Maybe April was wrong after all and maybe Randy belonged to Arianna from the beginning. 'Come on, April! We're gonna be late!' One of April's teammates called. 'I'm coming!' April yelled, 'I have to go, I'll miss you so much' April said and kissed Jake quickly before running off with her teammates..

April's POV

'I'm exhausted!' I moaned as we finally reached the hotel we're staying at.. we're in Europe, a place I've never been to.. but I have to say it's pretty cool.. 'We're here, everyone is gonna have their own room!' Mandy,my friend said. 'Ah thank god! I can't share my room with a roommate again!' I said.. As soon as we got there, I took my key and practically ran to my room.. I was so exhausted and just wanted to rest. I opened the door and saw someone sitting on my bed, 'Phil!?'

•ND <3

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