Chapter 29

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Five Months Later;

April was travelling everywhere with her team, she decided to leave work for a while so she can travel. She hadn't try to contact Phil, Eve or Randy. She missed them so much, but she couldn't do it. She knew that when she sees them again, Eve will get so angry at her. She just hoped that Eve is doing well with her pregnancy. She was counting the months for Eve to give birth so she can come back for a while and stay with her. On the other hand, she wanted nothing to do with Phil what so ever. Believe it or not, she hates him now. Like, she really hates him, literally. She didn't tell anybody where she was going, she just left two days after the fight with Phil. She asked Randy to go and get her stuff, then without telling anybody, she travelled away with her team, to Spain at first. For some reason, she felt her friends struggling. She didn't know why or how but she felt like there's something wrong. She just hoped nothing bad happened to them. She was dying to call them but she knew she needed her time, Eve would forgive her after a hug and so will Randy. She was determined to not see Phil when she gets back, that's if she ever gets back.

Back At Chicago;

Phil's POV

I woke up and saw Eve sleeping next to me. We have been together since April left. 'Good morning' I said as Eve opened her eyes. 'Good morning' she said and kissed my cheek.

No One's POV

Randy and Eve were still together after April left but Eve went constantly visiting Phil because she felt bad for him. However, Eve found herself kissing Phil and one thing lead to another. Randy found out and immediately left Eve and threw their engagement ring in her face. Now, for Eve's pregnancy, well.. she miscarried the baby right after April left. She was so sad that her best friend had left her, Phil being sad. She couldn't bear the stress and she lost the baby just like that. Randy stood by her side, promising her that everything's going to be okay. Eve cheated on Randy with Phil without even feeling it.


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