Mina: Library

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Mina x Reader

"We're sorry but all the ballet trainings for this year have been cancelled due to serious health problems of our staff. Any possible changes of the training schedule will be announced, thank you." The secretary said and continued with her work almost immediately.

Mina smiled kindly at her and walked the other way. She couldn't say that it doesn't bother her. It does. She has been dreaming about being a part of the University's ballet team ever since her Grandma gifted her her very first ballet shoes saying that with these she could offer herself a new start.

She made her way to the place that you're most likely to meet her, The Library.

She looked more disappointed than the other days and you could tell. This time, the short English guy from your math class was sitting on Mina's usual sit. You secretly watched her scanning the room and trying to decide which her new sit is going to be, admiring the confusion on her face and letting a smile escape from your lips.

That smile fainted immediately by the time she found your eyes. You were so amused by her entrance that you almost forgot that you're on the same room she has been scanning to find an empty sit.

Likely there's one right next to you. You noticed that she was looking at this particular sit in which, you had lied your bag. By the time you moved to remove the bag from the sit, she started walking towards it.

You took a deep breath and tried to prevent yourself from any kind of embarrassment or nervousness.

She silently sat next to you, leaving her bag at the side next to yours. She smiled at you and you smiled back hoping that it's a nice way to make your blush less noticeable.

"Thank you" She whispered at you while she was placing her jacket around the chair.

You just nodded with the smile still on your face. This could've been a great opportunity to talk to her but you don't want to risk the weird noises that might come out of your mouth while you will be trying to speak properly.

So you just buried your face into the books but having your attention fully at her. You could tell every move she was making, every breath she was taking and every look she was giving you. You were sure enough she noticed at least one of the many times you blushed when she was looking at you, but you decided not to get upset about that.

You like  her for a long time. So long that you don't even care if she founds out anymore. What you do care about though, is how she's going to find out. If she ever does.

You like to think that the best way is to realize it on her own. So you really don't mind her looking at you, seeing you blushing and noticing your awkward movements around her.

Your heart almost skipped a bit when you felt two taps on your right shoulder, the one on Mina's side. You took out your right headphone and turned to look at her gorgeous calming eyes with a movement that seemed to you 10 times faster than it truly was.

Mina having a soft smile on her lips offered you a pen. You were so concealed by the fact that you had the opportunity to look at her face from this close for the first time and the fact that she was talking to you also for the first time that you almost didn't realize that this pen was actually yours.

She offered it to you claiming that you left it on the table next to you, which was the one Mina was using now. She was right.

You smiled embarrassed and took the pen.

"Oh yes, it's mine. Thank you." You said trying to sound as cool as possible.

"It's nothing." She smiled.

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