3. Legolas x Reader

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Hey guys! This was requested by SierraHeart350, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for the delay! I had a bit of college-prep to do so I lost track of requests. But I've made the story quite lengthy to hopefully, sort of, make up for the time it took. I had a fantastic time writing it, I hope you enjoy reading it so here you go! <3

*Italics= memory*

Da-dum... Da-dum... Da-dum. Your heart thudded in your chest so violently, you were sure it could be heard from miles away. Encased in darkness, you blindly reached out for something to steady you. How long had it been since you had been split from the group? An hour? A day? You had no idea. All you knew was that you were being dragged through the forest by a band of blood-thirsty goblins. With not much else to do while you were stumbling over roots and through foliage to your unknown- and potentially fatal- destination, you thought back to your time at Mirkwood and how happy you had been.

You had been struck breathless by the sheer beauty of the place, so much greenery and fresh life to it. Being from Rivendell, you were used to pristine buildings and intricate décor but Mirkwood was far more natural and earthy. You found the urban life was not meant for you as you became restless very easily. Hoping to find a place to belong, a place to find yourself, you left Rivendell behind. It was only once you arrived at Mirkwood that you realised just how quickly your world would be changed. That change came in the form of the Mirkwood prince, Legolas. He had first spied you out amongst the trees shooting apples from the branches, your beautiful hair cascading over your shoulders, your giggles traversing the wind and greeting him from his window. Speechless, he watched you for hours, entranced by your agility and delicacy. The next time he saw you, you were in the kitchens helping the maids prepare dinner. He frowned as he watched you; Legolas knew that you didn't work in the kitchens and found it humbling that you would offer to help regardless.

And when he saw you, the time after that, he finally plucked up the courage to speak to you. You were in the library, curled up in an old armchair. With your back pressed to one arm the chair, your legs dangled over the other arm and you held a book tightly in your hands. Legolas entered silently, keeping his eye on you. Apparently not noticing his appearance, you continued to stare avidly at the print on the worn, yellow pages. Unsure of himself, Legolas coughed slightly and your head shot up. With big, doe-like eyes, you took in his appearance. His bright, intelligent eyes, incredibly neat hair and tall, lean frame towering above you, despite the distance between him and the chair. Of course this wasn't the first time you had seen him around the palace, many times before had you spotted him watching you form his window or glancing at you in the hallways. Like every other girl in the kingdom, you were completely enthralled by him, but you scolded yourself for being so childish and reminded yourself that the only reason he looked at you was because he wanted to make sure you were doing your job properly. You didn't have any one job around the palace. Mostly, you were whatever you were needed to be: a cook, a blacksmith, an entertainer, a maid. Any job that needed doing was a job for you. Bringing your thoughts back to Legolas, you watched him carefully. What was he doing here? Silence permeated the air for a moment, before you gently laid the book aside and stood obediently. As was expected of all Mirkwood folk, you curtsied to the prince, remembering your manners. But as you lowered your head, the prince hurried to your side and bowed courteously to you. Eyes widening in surprise, you gazed at him. That was not supposed to happen. Legolas offered you his hand and you placed your dainty hand upon his. You looked pale and lilliputian in comparison to him, as his hands were slim and muscular. Ever so delicately, he pressed him lips to your knuckles which caused you to blush a rosy-pink. This made Legolas smile slightly. In all your life you had never anticipated such a romantic and intimate moment with him. Legolas asked if you would join him for a walk in the gardens, an offer which you quickly accepted. You spent the entire evening together, getting to know each other; you laughed, conversed, enjoyed moments of peace and quiet, and discovered a blossoming relationship that very night. Since then you became the closest of friends, sharing every special moment with each other. Only two moons later, Thranduil offered you a place as a member of the city guard, at Legolas's recommendation of you. And you had found a place where you truly belonged.

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