Company x Reader

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Hey guys! This was requested GreyHoneyCat - sorry it took a little while, I really liked writing this one, so I hope you enjoy! :)

You felt the blood rushing around your skull as you were being jostled about by the dwarves. They were hurriedly carrying you to Rivendell where they hoped the elves would be able to stop the blood which was drenching your once white tunic.

It was just another morning in camp; the dwarves were chatting and sharpening their swords, you were aside with Balin, he was sharing tales from long ago while you listened intently. As the company was preparing to move along, the sound of hooves thundering against the ground rumbled in the distance. Casting a few surprised glances to the dwarves, you all quickly jumped into action, gathering swords, bows, throwing knives- whatever you could find. The sound drew nearer and nearer and you couldn't calm your rapid heart beat. Soon enough, a cavalry of about nine orcs emerged from the tree line. They circled you a few times, before they started slashing and swinging at you and the company. Ever since you were a child, you were an exceptional fighter- agile, stealthy, strong and tireless. As the fighting became more chaotic, you dispatched three of the orcs and was engaging another one. From what you could see Fili and Kili had taken down another two, Dwalin another and Thorin one more. Sweat beaded on your brow as you growled at the hideous beast before you. Your swords met forcefully and you saw an opportunity and plunged the sword deep into the orc's chest. It roared and thrashed mindlessly for a moment before it crumpled to the ground. Huffing, you turned to come face to face with that last orc. It was grinning menacingly at you as it swung for you. You brought your sword up and they clashed together as you blocked. Again, it went for the attack and you dodged the sharp, silver blade. Just as you readied to end the creature, you tripped over one of the other corpses and hit the floor with a THUD. Within a second, the orc was above you and had plunged its sword through your torso, just above your right hip. You screamed in agony, clutching at where the sword still remained in your body, piercing the skin. Suddenly, the orc was tackled to the ground, its throat cut, swiftly ending its life. Unable to move, you lay there whimpering, tears streaming down your face because of the pure suffering you were enduring. The dwarves, who had been tending to their own wounds, quickly appeared by your side. You were in too much pain to register what was being said, but the next thing you knew, the sword was being pulled from your stomach. A scream tore through your throat, and your hands contorted in pain. Knowing their only hope to save you would be to take you to Rivendell where the elves could heal you, they dwarves abandoned their belongings and determinedly carried you all the way to the doors of the Elven kingdom.

You groaned, tossing fitfully on the marble slab where you had been left while the elves gathered their medicines for you. At first they had been shocked to see you, Lord Elrond especially. He knew you well- a companion of Gandalf's, notorious for your skill and love of adventure. When he spied the dwarves carrying your near-lifeless body, he felt his stomach lurch. Your pale skin made for a bright contrast against the crimson which stained your clothes. At first, when you had been put down, you didn't respond, but sudden spasms of pain made you writhe against the cold stone.

Once all the ingredients had been collected, Elrond began healing you. For the most part, you remained unconscious. But every now and then, your eyes would shoot open and you'd scream in torment. Elrond was quick to put you back to sleep though and by nightfall, had you almost fully healed. Tiredly, Elrond took a seat across from the table where your tortured form lay and sighed sadly. He couldn't understand why Gandalf insisted on taking you on these ridiculous quests, you only ever ended getting hurt. Nothing as bad as this though. No, this was the first time Elrond believed you may not have made it if you had arrived later.

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